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半个世纪前,我们失去了加缪却得到了斯蒂普。A half-century ago we lost Camus and gained Stipe.

带有光亮叶柄的一种北美蕨类。North american fern with a blackish lustrous stipe.

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斯蒂普出席了昨天的新闻发布会以示支持。Stipe attended yesterday's news conference to lend his support.

菌柄多侧生,稍作「之」字形弯曲,亦为黄褐色。Stipe mostly laterally located curved in zigzag way, yellow-brown.

约翰·麦克·斯蒂普就在这短暂的时间里出生了。In that same small span of time John Michael Stipe was born in Decatur Georgia.

后代群体盖径、柄径、柄长的变异程度相当,差异性不显著。The variation degree of pileus diameter is similar to that of stipe diameter and stipe length.

紫芝与灵芝相似,但呈深紫色、菌柄有中竹扛及侧生。G. japonicum similar to the former, but deep purple in colour, stipe laterally or mesially located.

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ZR的浓度决定着菌柄在不同发育时期的生长率。The concentration of GA3 and ZR corresponded with stipe growth rate in different development stage.

“但是不需要一直有这种感觉——仅仅是不会再与同样的人在一起了而已,”米尔斯对斯泰普说,“我觉得你永远不会停止制作音乐。"But it's not necessarily gone forever — it just won't be with the same people, " Mills says, addressing Stipe.

问问波诺或迈克尔·斯蒂普,是谁给了他们灵感,促使他们实现现在的成就,他们会毫不犹豫地说是帕蒂。Ask Bono or Michael Stipe who inspired them to do what they do and they’ll point to Patti without a moment’s hesitation.

结果表明,常规分离适于从子实体的各种菌组织分离获得菌株,并以菌柄前端组织分离效果最好。The results showed that conventional isolation could obtain strains from different tissues of fruit body and tissue of stipe top is the most suitable material.

选择重金属低污染的培养料、覆土土壤和粗柄型菌株是实现姬松茸子实体重金属低富集的关键措施。The medium material, sealing soil in low contents of heavy metal and enlarged stipe strain were key to measure of approaching to lower contents of heavy metals in fruit body.

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测定了草菇菌柄在小纽扣期、纽扣期、蛋形期、伸长期以及成熟期等不同发育时期中,内源激素ABA、GA3、ZR的浓度变化。The concentration of ABA and GA3 and ZR of stipe tissue were determined in the different development stage of the tiny button, the button, the egg, the elongation and the mature.

在子实体发育的幼小阶段,菌柄、菌柄与菌盖之间组织的脱氢酶活性高于菌褶和菌肉组织中的酶活。The dehydrogenase activity from the tissues of the stipe and between the stipe and pileus is higher than the lamella and context tissues during young growth of the fructification.

综述了病毒必克防治水稻条纹叶枯病的作用机理,介绍了病毒必克田间试验效果及施用方法。The paper reviewed the function mechanism of Bilken virusicide against rice stipe disease, and then introduced its control effects in field test as well as its application method.

当子实体发育之早期菌柄细胞总是变倍的,快速生长期之菌柄中间和顶端细胞的平均数是10.1-10.3。The number of nuclei in stipe cells almost doubled during early fruiting development and increased to a mean of 10.1-10.3 in the middle and tip cells during rapid stipe elongation.

同时还测定了香菇伞盖与伞柄不同部位的金属含量,数据表明,不同元素在伞盖和伞柄的分布趋势并不相同。The metal elements in Pileus and stipe of mushroom were also determined, and the data reveals that the contents of different kinds of metal elements is not same in pileus and stipe of mushroom.