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去年,缅甸愚昧的人民在全民选票中被迫赞同通过规定军队具有双重职能的宪法。Last year Myanmar’s benighted people were forced to endorse a dwifungsi constitution in a referendum.

愚昧无知的人往往选择让过去做错的往事可以不要再错。The benighted person often chooses the past events which lets make the mistake to be possible not to be again wrong.

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他们两个饱受压抑、天真稚气的灵魂,在生命最无助的时刻相遇,却从未建立起一种真正的两性关系。They had met as two highly repressed and untutored virgins of their benighted time, and a true sexual connection never formed.

而且,正如我在谈论我们自己这个愚昧无知的经济体时所说,唯一可以减轻这个麻烦的经济增长因素会被高税收抑制。And, as I have written in relation to our benighted economy, the growth that might ease the problem will only be depressed by higher taxes.

相较于麻生太郎为首的昏庸政府,民主党为了争取选民而力求自清自律,所以小泽一郎必须彻彻底底的清清白白。For a party trying to present voters with a clear alternative to the benighted government of Taro Aso, the prime minister, Mr Ozawa must be above suspicion.

10年前朝鲜的饥荒夺走了约50万到100万人的生命,最近来自这个黑暗国家的消息表明它可能再一次走到了大饥荒的边缘。A DECADE after a famine killed 500,000-1mpeople in North Korea, recent news from the benighted country suggests it is once again on the brink of mass starvation.

20世纪80年代末的美国女权主义风格可以被定义为受尽嘲讽的,因为妇女们抢着做那些历来由男人做的愚昧无知的事。American feminism late 1980s style could be defined, cynically, as women's rush to do the same foolish and benighted things that have traditionally occupied men.

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这样的绰号会帮助达尔富尔的暗夜区域从一个不知名的落后乡村变成每一个西方政客力图解决的最具紧迫感的案件之一。Epithets like this helped to turn the benighted region of Darfur from an unknown backwater to the most pressing issue on every Western politician's to-solve list.

“陨落的国土”会让人想到诸如索马里和海地这样的已然暗淡无光的国家,极度贫穷,暴力和无视法律使其遭致无尽的痛苦。The term “failed state” brings to mind benighted places such as Somalia and Haiti, where utter poverty joins with violence and lawlessness to create ongoing misery.

像阿莱格罗和莫里斯玛丽娜那样的英国汽车,在人们的记忆中一度被称之为车轮上的跳板,现在成为了那个愚昧时代国耻的象征。British cars like the Allegro and the Morris Marina, once memorably described as a skip on wheels, have come to embody the national humiliation of that benighted era.

人类社会的高科技可能将我们自愚昧势力的控制之中拯救出来,并重建一个田园诗般的自然状态,这曾是一个有吸引力的愿景。It was an attractive hope that the high technology of our society might be wrested from the grip of benighted forces and used to restore us to an idyllic natural state.

而海地那些极度贪污腐化的政治和经济精英们已经让国家管理陷入僵局,如果这些人没有清醒的认识,国际社会就不能施以援助。But such aid should not be delivered without an acknowledgment by Haiti's ultra-venal political and economic elite that the benighted way of doing things has got to end.

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而海地那些极度贪污腐化的政治和经济精英们已经让国家管理陷入僵局,如果这些人没有清醒的认识,国际社会就不能施以援助。But such aid should not be delivered without an acknowledgment by Haiti's ultra-venal political and economic élite that the benighted way of doing things has got to end.

有了流式视频,球迷即使身处不转播比赛的愚昧国家,也能观看到板球比赛——或者由德黑兰的安全攻破点上传公民报告。And streaming video means that fans can watch cricket even in benighted countries that don't broadcast it -- or upload citizen reports from security crackdowns in Tehran.

我希望耆那教义的精神火把为踏上苦难,偏狭,无序之路的黑暗世界带来真理与和平共存的光亮。I hope this spiritual torch of Jain precepts will show light of truth and peaceful coexistence to the benighted world treading the path of bitterness, intolerance and discord.

而由选举产生的所谓平民政权仍将由此前执政的这帮恶徒和庸才控制,这些人使这个肥沃富饶的国度陷入如此黑暗、混乱及不幸的境地。The "civilian" regime that emerges from the polls will probably be dominated by the very same thugs and incompetents who have made such a benighted mess of a fertile, resource-rich country.