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他建议搞一次埜餐。He recommended a picnic.

建议零售价?Recommended retail price?

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通常推荐这样做。This is usually recommended.

他介绍我担任这项工作。He recommended me for the job.

不要超过建议服用量。Do not exceed recommended dose.

我曾大力推荐她要这个。I highly recommended it to her.

使用权用温度在1350℃以下。Recommended to use below 1350℃.

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你有什么可以推荐的吗?Do you have anything recommended?

就是他给我们推荐的威克牛排酒家。He recommended Vic's Steak House.

她的介绍人是奥尔良公爵。The Duc d'Orleans recommended her.

而每天使用牙线也是必须的。Flossing daily is also recommended.

各种肤质,极油性皮肤不建议使用。Recommended for non-oily skin types.

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她向我们推荐了另一家饭馆。She recommended us another restaurant.

有什么推荐的外放电话录音?。A. What's recommended outgoing message?

香港的朋友向我推荐了这里。Hong Kong friends recommended the YWCA.

我是经你推荐买的。I bought it because you recommended it.

推荐的入门参考和教程Recommended introductions and tutorials

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推荐用于越野赛车和使用。Recommended for off-road and racing use.

有人向我推荐一种中药护肤霜。Someone recommended a traditional cream.

他称赞史密斯先生是位好教师。He recommended Mr Smith as a good teacher.