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金丝小枣每年十月下旬成熟。Watkins jujube mature in late October each year.

科学作家,住美国马里兰州乌班市。Dennis Watkins is a science writer based in Woodbine, Md.

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沧州是著名的“鸭梨之乡”和“金丝小枣”之乡。Cangzhou is the famous "Pear Village" and "Watkins jujube" village.

雪伦?华金丝是位于得克萨斯州休斯顿安然公司的电信专员。Sherron Watkins was a communications officer with Enron, based in Houston, Texas.

瓦特鑫斯先生?他是谁?”阿尔夫心不在焉地问道,顺手拿起一本侦探小说。"Mr. Watkins? Who's that?" asked Alf absentmindedly picking up a detective story.

我们相信它实际上只会降低出口并因此减少好的工作机会。"We believe that it will actually reduce exports and thereby good jobs," Watkins says.

戴维.沃特金斯忙了一个通宵,他制作出的广告复制带足够覆盖全州。David Watkins worked all night long making enough copies of our ad to saturate the state.

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我想跟你核对一下上次运往费城哈罗德?瓦金斯的货物。I'd like to check with you on that last shipment of goods to Harold Watkins in Philadelphia.

华金斯利用大鼠实验证明,纳洛酮可治疗神经病理性疼痛。Watkins has demonstrated in rats that naloxone can reverse fully developed neuropathic pain.

Watkins说,他并不清楚到底是哪一种蜘蛛在信德省织出了困住树木的网。Watkins said he didn't know which type of spider was responsible for the tree cocoons in Sindh.

我和贝琪。赖特给戴维。沃特金斯打电话,请他开放他的工作室,让我制作一个电台广告。Betsey and I called David Watkins and asked him to open his studio so that I could cut a radio ad.

沃特金斯的主要工作地点在北京,他在这里负责监管康明斯公司增长最快的地域市场。Watkins is based in Beijing, where he oversees one of Cummins fastest-growing geographical markets.

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沃特金斯对细节的处理杂乱无章,思考问题重于回答问题。Mr Watkins gets lost rambling among minor details, and prefers musing over questions to answering them.

最终,他找到一份在沃特金斯做销售代表的工作,并被派到城里一个其他推销员都不要的区域。Eventually he works as a salesman in Watkins and is offered a section of the city that no salesman wanted.

退伍老兵比尔沃特金斯从中国人民解放军制造的以美国为目标的游戏中看到了一些预兆。Retired military veteran Bill Watkins sees something ominous in the PLA producing a game with American targets.

劳合社与荷兰的安联保险及英国的再保险经纪人本菲尔德合作,共同设计了这份保单,并由沃特金斯集团共同承保。Lloyds worked with Allianz Nederland and British reinsurance broker Benfield to create the policy, co-insured by Watkins.

Watkins先生敦促屋主,像他之前帮过的上百名屋主一样,尽早培植新树。Mr. Watkins urged the homeowner, like the hundred others he had helped the previous days, to plant again as soon as possible.

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我们希望内部人士揭露违法行为,就像安然公司的谢林•沃特金斯和烟草行业的杰弗里•威根德那样。We want insiders to shine a light on illegality, as Sherrin Watkins did at Enron or Jeffrey Wigand did in the tobacco industry.

报告指出,我们急需一项较大规模的技术转让规划,为印度和中国清洁煤炭能源计划提供帮助。Ghosh and Watkins say that we need a big and immediate programme of technology transfer to provide India and China with clean coal plants.

对于在当地泛滥的蜘蛛网,Watkins说到,“任何长在地面上的植被都被波及了,几乎包括每一种树木和灌木”。"Any kind of vegetation that was above ground was affected, literally every kind of tree and bush, " Watkins said of the widespread spider webs.