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格里高尔突然发现本人变成大甲虫。Gerry gore suddenly found himself into big beetle.

格里对修理问题不像我这么在意。Gerry is less likely to be bothered by repair problems.

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格里和我住在汽车保险费用奇高的新泽西州。Gerry and I live in New Jersey, where insurance costs are steep.

看看格里•哈奇那里,都眼泪汪汪的。或者我应该称他为修道士?Look at Gerry Hutch there, all tearful. Or should I say the Monk?

马丁是格里·亚当斯的高级助手,他自己就是一员得力干将。Martin was Gerry Adams’s top aide and a powerful force in his own right.

周二将年届75岁的杰瑞.伯克斯与41岁妻子唐恩,有了一名新生儿子莱恩。Gerry Burks, who will be 75 on Tuesday, has a newborn son, Ryan, with his wife Dawn, 41.

Gerry声称是办公室里最好的,但那次他却没有完成任务。Gerry claimed to be the best worker in the office, but that time, he failed to work out the task.

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想想看,杰瑞在全国代表大会的前一天提出了对YTB的诉讼。Think about this. Gerry filed the suit against YTB the day before the National Convention. Hmmmmm.

格里已经开始翻阅汽车分类广告,初步了解一下换车的成本。Gerry has started looking through classified ads to get a feel for what a replacement car might cost.

格里沙与他率领的红军战士与德军进行激战,由于缺乏经验,损失惨重。Gerry sand and he led the red army soldiers fighting with the germans, for lack of experience, losses.

我相信杰瑞是迫于YTB的竞争者和一些传统旅行社的压力而做的妥协。I believe Gerry gave in to the pressures of YTB's competion and a few bitter traditional travel agents.

一年之后,霍莉才最终接受了盖瑞去世的事实,开始给盖瑞写起了回信。It takes one year for Holly to finally accept the fact that Gerry has gone. She started to reply to Gerry.

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杰拉得•信德的系统具有独特的能力,能帮助人们发现和运用他们的内在天赋。Author Gerry Sindell's system has the unique ability to help people discover and apply their innate genius.

2012年伦敦奥运会的首席信息官,格里彭内尔说,英国汲取中国的教训。The UK has learned lessons from its predecessor, said Gerry Pennell, chief information officer for London 2012.

我们的爵士乐音乐家画师专家讨论了在这个自由的教学艺术影片画格里马利根。Our jazz musician portrait artist expert discusses painting Gerry Mulligan in this free instructional art video.

1971年他与盖瑞‧苏姆共同在游泳池里制作了一部录影片。He, therefore, stays in that vein to also produce a video tape in a swimming bath together with Gerry Schum in 1971.

由于恪守这些法则,在过去二十年里,格里和我在汽车相关的成本上节省了数千美元。By following these rules, Gerry and I have saved thousands of dollars in car-related costs over the past two decades.

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在那里还发现了一只冰鞋和脚印,胡德里弗郡警局办公室发言人格里蒂法尼说。There was also an ice spike and footprints, said Sgt. Gerry Tiffany, spokesman for the Hood River County Sheriff's Office.

譬如前面说过的麦肯失踪案,葡萄牙警方根据法医检验的部分结果,认为麦肯父母有嫌疑。Portuguese police named Madeleine's parents Kate and Gerry McCann as suspects after receiving partial results of forensic tests.

2005年,格里福特还被评为“英国年度企业家”金融时报,伦敦证券交易所和英国公众。In 2005, Gerry Ford was also named "UK Entrepreneur of the Year" by the Financial Times, London Stock Exchange and the British public.