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你应该看出了这里的暗示。You may recognize the allusion.

对于这一引喻,他双眉紧锁着。His brows clouded at the allusion.

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我们怎样来看这个暗喻呢?So what are we to do with this allusion?

这真的是中国的茶叶蛋的典故吗?Is it the true allusion of tea-egg in China?

有人暗讽哈利的失败,使他受到伤害。Harry was hurt by an allusion to his failure.

这张专辑上对家庭的影射就此止步。The familial allusion was left off the album.

善于用典是其特点之一。Citing allusion is one of its characteristics.

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这暗示即刻提醒了代尔那。The allusion served as a timely reminder to Darnay.

房地产设典的权利为房屋所有权。Estate sets the right of allusion to be building droit.

她说了些暗示你儿子行为不轨的话。She made some remarks in allusion to your son's misconduct.

典故的翻译,可以采用释义、加注、异化法。We can use paraphrases, notes and alienation to handle allusion.

“你研究过生物学,”马丁别有所指地大声说。"You've studied biology," he said aloud, in significant allusion.

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赋诗是春秋时期一种特殊的活动和文化现象。"Allusion" is a common rhetoric device in composing poetry and prose.

语言上爱使用比喻、用典等表现手法。Love to use the language metaphor, allusion and other means of expression.

原典的各项语词和意义元素是组成各种典面的基本材料。The items of words and meanings are the foundational materials of allusion.

在规划中,它的形状让人想到玫瑰或蔷薇——一个恰当的对萝实学院的影射。In plan, its shape recalls a rose or rosette—a fitting allusion for Le Rosey.

至少,从1247年巴尔代约夫的第一个书面记载来看,这是真实可信的。This is true at least since the first written allusion of Bardejov Spa from 1247.

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这是一个视觉上的双关,利用典故和错觉,美的慑人心魄。This is a hauntingly beautiful rendition of a visual pun — allusion meets illusion.

这是一个对内存的暗示,对于习题集2来说是恰当的。There's an allusion there to memory, which will be a little apropos for Problem Set 2.

热辣辣的红晕涌上了少女的脸颊,这说明她知道老人的言外之意。A burning blush upon the girl's face showed that she understood the old man's allusion.