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该功能的推出颇为曲折。Of this function roll out very labyrinthian.

屋主本人是设计师,“迷宫”之屋就是他的杰作。House advocate oneself are stylist, " Labyrinthian " the classic that house is him.

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两人开始了充满曲折的小孩般的生活,相信自由在别的地方。Two people began to fill the life like labyrinthian child, believe freedom is in other place.

中国现代化经历了一个面临多次机会、但又屡屡与机遇擦肩而过的复杂曲折过程。Chinese modernization is a complicated and labyrinthian course, in which there were many lost opportunities.

然而在表相之下,却隐藏着极为曲折的隐情。It is however under watch photograph, however the facts one wishes to hide with very labyrinthian under cover.

朴部长从仓库翻出一件件诡异曲折卷宗,让世英调查真相。Plain minister turns over from storehouse a weird and labyrinthian dossier, let world flower investigate the fact.

对现有门窗加以改造,多些格框曲折,便有了些许民族特色。Try to transform to having door window, casing of many somes of case is labyrinthian , had trifling nation distinguishing feature.

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说是“迷宫”,因为它上下两层楼到处是通道,不习惯者很轻易“迷路”。Saying is " labyrinthian " , because below two buildings on it are a passageway everywhere, unaccustomed person very easy " stray ".

后来,他们才发现,原来两人曲折的命运,全都源自于议员洪德福与他的地下钱庄。Later, they just discover, two people's so labyrinthian destiny, all comes from the subterranean old-style Chinese private bank at assemblyman Hong Defu and him.

由于我国长期执行以钢为纲的方针,钢铁工业的曲折发展过程是整个工业发展的缩影。Because our country implements the policy that is key link with steel for a long time, the labyrinthian development process of iron and steel industry is the epitome that whole industry grows.