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我需要的昵嚅感。I need inspiration.

谁是你的灵感?Who is your inspiration?

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你的灵感是什么?What was your inspiration?

我看著别的地方期待著能对答上的好主意。I looked elsewhere for inspiration.

读伟大作家的作品来启发灵感。Read great writers for inspiration.

你的灵感源自哪里?Where do you draw inspiration from?

她是一位真正的淑女、一个有灵性的人。She was a real lady, an inspiration.

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他们具有这样做的动力和远见。They have the drive and inspiration.

我依于我的灵感行事!I act according to my own inspiration !

灵光乍现,三秒钟一蹴而就吗Three seconds of white-hot inspiration?

创作这个模组的灵感是什么呢?What was the inspiration for the module?

你可以从这篇文章中获得灵感!You can use this article as inspiration.

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德怀尔在睡梦中得到了灵感。The inspiration struck Dwyer in his sleep.

“内在激励”,你做到了吗?。Have you Lived up to"Internal Inspiration"?

显然,范尼有激励学生的妙招。Clearly, Finnie has a knack for inspiration.

深吸气使肝脏下降。Deep inspiration causes the liver to descend.

金凯瑞,影视明星,幸存者,灵感。Jim carrey, film star, survivor, inspiration.

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新和谐村本该大振人心。New Harmony was supposed to be an inspiration.

她对于她周围所有的人是一种多么大的鼓舞!What an inspiration she was to all around her!

你的写作灵感从何而来?Where do you get your inspiration for writing?