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一个小丑比一个无教养的人更可耻。A buffoon is more humiliating than a bounder.

丽沙克,多拉,快点儿!那巨石会在任何时间落下来!Isaac, Dora, hurry! The Bounder could fall at any second!

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一只老虎将领带系紧,干净它的尾巴。A tidy tiger angry a tie bounder to tidy her tiny appendage.

唐代著名白话诗人寒山不仅在中国影响较大,在东亚诸国也颇有影响。Han Shan's influence has crossed the bounder of China and entered eastern Asian countries.

用现代泥石流堆积物特征与之直接对比,以论证其成因的方法是不可靠的。The characteristics of the red bounder clay, that formed in the middle pleistocene can't be compared with those of the debris flow formed at present.

该方法不但提高了分割的精度,而且能够很好地解决单一速度函数水平集算法难以处理的边界缺口问题。This method not only enhances the accuracy of segmentation, but also solves the bounder gap problem well, which is quite a puzzle for single level set algorithm.

讨论尺规方法均分多边形面积,给出过多边形边界上一点作一直线将多边形面积二等分的作法。This paper discusses the method of using rulers and compasses to average the polygonal areas by treating the dot on the bounder of a polygonal area as a beeline.

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他们一提起蔑克里斯的名,便盛气凌人地骂他是杂种的幸进者,是无教育的最贱的下流人,但是康妮却比较尊重他。She had more respect for Michaelis, on whose name they all poured such withering contempt, as a little mongrel arriviste, and uneducated bounder of the worst sort.

1960年中缅北段边界的划定并不意味中国政府认可了“麦克马洪线”的合法性。The delimitation of the northern bounder between China and Burma in 1960 didn't mean that the Chinese government had recognized the legitimacy of the McMahon Line.

晋冀蒙三省交界的怀安-大同一带基性麻粒岩有保存完好的变质反应结构。Huaian Datong region on the bounder of Hebei Shanxi Inner Mongolia is one of the most important area where the Archean granulite complex is relatively completed exposed.