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他们浑身是汗,乱哄哄的站在一起。They're in a mess, very sweaty.

什么?她当然很辣!尤其香汗淋漓的时候。What? She's hot! As in, sweaty.

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见鬼了,为什么你脸上这么多汗?God damn why your face all sweaty?

史蒂芬是个极易出汗的基佬。Stephen is a hot, sweaty corn packer.

他的头发支楞着,衬衫汗津津的。His hair was spiked, his shirt, sweaty.

火辣的,流汗的那种不停的运动!Non-stop action of the hot and sweaty kind!

要知道你香汗淋漓的时候也是非常之性感哦!You should know that getting hot and sweaty

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你将是那流着汗的小溪和甘露!You sweaty brooks and dews it shall be you!

虽然我还在坐飞机,但我真的觉得很开心。On the airplane, though, I was really sweaty.

你们浑身作热,当然香汗淋漓。You're going to get hot and sweaty of course.

虽然我走得慢,但是我还是热出了一身汗。AlthoughI walked slowly, I got hot and sweaty.

避免进行会使得你流汗的活动。Avoid activities that may make you sweaty sweety.

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而这确实很热,让他们多汗。And indeed it is hot and sweaty to say the very least.

透气的座套让宝宝在汗涔涔的炎热夏季更为舒适。A terry cloth seat cover adds comfort on hot sweaty days.

打了两个小时的乒乓球,她浑身是汗。She played ping-pang for two hours and was sweaty all over.

车上很热,还有汗臭味,因为没有人开窗户。The bus was hot and sweaty because no one would open a window.

现在是吃饭的时候,大家又饿、又渴、又累。It was mealtime and they were hungry, thirsty, sweaty and tired.

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大批游客从印度的闷热平原来到山上透气。Tourists flock from India's sweaty plains to gasp the mountain air.

大多时候,他们脏兮兮地黑乎乎的带着煤出来。Most days, they would emerge, sweaty and dirty and dusted with coal.

每天偶都把汗滋滋的球衣放到包里。After each day I would just put the sweaty clothes into the same bag.