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列昂纳多·达·芬奇!蒙娜丽莎!Leonardo Da Vinci! The Mona Lisa!

如果你认为蒙娜莉莎的微笑精彩绝伦。If you think the Mona Lisa is stunning.

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蒙娜丽莎是达芬奇非常棒的作品。The Mona Lisa is DaVinci's finest work.

蒙娜丽莎是达芬奇最棒的作品.The Mona Lisa is DaVinci’s finest work.

蒙娜丽莎在微笑,但似笑非笑。Mona lisa is smiling, but more than a smile.

最后要提到的是,我的政府生涯的成功离不开蒙娜。And finally, my success in government is due to Mona.

莫娜向艾萨克森重述了和乔布斯第一次见面的过程。Mona recounted to Isaacson her first encounter with Jobs.

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我们将“蒙娜莎”的复制品悬挂在壁炉墙上。We hung our reproduction of "Mona Liza"above the fireplace.

那么,如果你问蒙娜丽莎在笑什么,她会怎么回答呢?So what does the Mona Lisa say if you ask her why she is smiling?

有人认为达芬奇所画的蒙娜丽莎脸上露出的是忧郁的微笑。Some people believe that Da Cinci's Mona Lisa has a pensive smile.

手臂突出穿过梦娜•丽萨的脸部吸引我们的注意力。The arm protruding through Mona Lisa's face arrests our attention.

莫娜有一辆只值十磅的脚踏车。Mona has just got hold of a brilliant moped that only cost a tenner.

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他也出现在总监迈克纽维尔2003年电影蒙娜丽莎的微笑。He also appeared in director Mike Newell's 2003 film Mona Lisa Smile.

这就是使蒙娜丽莎的表情如此神秘莫测的手段了。It is this technique that makes the Mona Lisa's expression ambiguous.

你能想象这样完美的蒙娜丽莎出自烙画艺术么?Can you imagine such a perfect art of Mona Lisa is made from pyrograph?

我竟破涕为笑,是蒙娜丽莎的微笑给了我无穷的力量。I smile through tears, is the Mona Lisa smile gave me endless strength.

蒙娜丽莎微笑让人迷恋,蒙娜丽莎双眼暗藏玄机。People obsessed with Mona Lisa smile, the Mona Lisa eyes hidden mystery.

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英国医生肯尼思?基友博士相信蒙娜丽莎怀孕了。Doctor Kenith Kill, the British physician believes Mona Lisa is pregnant.

但考虑到与莫纳相认,斯蒂芬知道这件事肯定已经有几十年了。But Steve must have known for decades, through his relationship with Mona.

也许这能解释蒙娜丽莎那令人困惑的微笑,她对已发生的一切了若指掌。Perhaps this explains Mona Lisa’s bemused smile. She knew what was coming.