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不包括德国。But not Germany.

德国和英国。Germany and England.

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德国说“不”。Germany says “nein”.

那次是在德国。That was in Germany.

约翰娜来自德国。Johanna is from Germany.

环球唱片在德国阻止。Blocked in Germany by UMG.

德国与法国接壤。Germany borders on France.

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你现在还居住在德国吗?Do you still live in Germany?

德国和日本何妨把臂同去。Let Germany and Japan follow.

另外两张则保存在德国。The other two are in Germany.

你去德国学习过。You went to study in Germany.

这是德国制造的。It is manufactured in Germany.

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它被制造在德国在1681。It was made in Germany in 1681.

比分为德国队一比零胜。The score was 1-nil to Germany.

它就是德国威图。The answer is Rittal of Germany.

一只天鹅在康士坦茨湖,德国。A swan on Lake Constance, Germany.

德国与法国东部接壤。Germany bounds France on the east.

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德国直到一八七一年才统一Germany is not unified until 1871.

东西两德重归统一。East and West Germany are reunited.

德国以52人名列第二。Germany is in second place with 52.