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真的吓到我了。They really scare me.

他吓了我一大跳。He gave me a good scare.

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泰克斯说,“我们不想吓你的!”We didn’t mean to scare you.

打击可能吓着一些人。The crackdown may scare some.

我推开他,站了起来,我想吓吓他。I get up. I wanted to scare him.

他们只是想吓唬社会。They only want to scare society.

并且你还能参加一个惊吓环节。And you also got a scare section.

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如今他怯生生极了。He was horribly scare usuaslyd now.

这是一周内第二次肺痨病恐慌。It was the second TB scare in a week.

事实上他们是受雇吓唬你的。And they're actually paid to scare you.

但是为什么唯独是健康恐慌呢?But why this health scare in particular?

我晚上戴着它们,出来吓唬人!I'd wear them at night and scare people!

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闪烁金带吓鸟走。The glitter strips scare the birds away.

你吓不倒我,因为我有孩子。You cannot scare me because I have kids.

不要让它吓倒你,因为练习它是很值得的。Don't let that scare you, it's SO worth it!

那个同学的身子一抖,似乎吓了一跳。That classmate body a shake, seems a scare.

敏敏怕打针,怕医生,怕开刀。Min scare the needles, doctors and operation.

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你有什么权利来骚扰我的吧民?And who gave you the right to scare my barer ?

但是霍顿称这些批评为“吓阻战术。”Houghton calls the criticisms "scare tactics."

有时吓得你魂飞魄散。Occasionally you'll scare the wits out of you.