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这是个需要超强忍耐力的地方It was the place of toleration.

我不能忍受他的唠叨。I have no toleration for his gab.

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有主见是宽容和妥协。It is about toleration and compromise.

他对她行为的宽容使我惊愕。His toleration of her behaviour amazed me.

1598年南特赦令宣布最终信仰自由。Final toleration in the edict of Nantes in 1598.

胖人在夏天的忍受力较差。The overweighted people's toleration is bad in summer.

我要辛勤耕耘,忍受苦楚。I must do farm work industriously, toleration distress.

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对贪官污吏的姑息迁就就是助长腐败。Toleration of dishonest officials encourages corruption.

甚至1689年的容忍法也排除了反三位一体主义者。Even the Toleration Act of 1689 excepted anti-Trinitarians.

1741年,叶卡捷琳娜大帝颁布法令,允许佛教的存在。In 1741 Catherine the Great issued an edict of toleration for Buddhism.

景教和罗马天主教也享受了一段容忍。Nestorianism and Roman Catholicism also enjoyed a period of toleration.

它是迈向胜利的第一步,亦是兼容广纳多元意见的重要原因。This is one great reason for the utmost toleration of variety of opinion.

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我们如何了解这件,关于容忍与言论自由的范例?How are we to understand this case ? about toleration and freedom of speech?

但还有一种不一样的宽容,这种宽容建立在自已的原则之上。But there is toleration of a different kind, the kind that arises from principle.

这种无私包容之心,就是你想知道的丘里之言了。The selfless toleration is what you asked the meaning of 'The Words of Community.

其中一个答案可能是,提高对公民抗拒者的容忍度。One answer might be to extend greater toleration to civil dissidents like Socrates.

取决于所处的环境,被引导的宽容需要付出或多或少的代价。Induced toleration may, depending on the circumstances, require a little or much effort.

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“宽容”的意思是我们勉强同意一些公然的发表的一些不同的言论。" Toleration " is the name we give to the practice of acquiescing publicly in difference.

在确定间接故意的诸种见解中,容认说基本上是合理的。Among different views on the indirect intent, the doctrine of toleration is basically reasonable.

极限运动同意可以培养人的技能,磨练人的坚韧,铸造人的挫折忍受能力。It also could foster one's skills, chasten one's tenacity and forge one's frustration toleration.