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我在墙上凿了个孔。I chiseled a hole in the wall.

那是一座石雕半身像。It is a bust chiseled from a rock.

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山顶洞人凿壁绘画,就是因为有你。You're why cavemen chiseled on walls.

他把一块汉白玉雕成一个女孩的石像。He chiseled the figure of a girl out of a block of white marble.

洞窟由人工凿成,为元代所凿。The cave by artificial chiseled into, for the Yuan Dynasty chisel.

走近了,她看见他轮廓清晰的脸盘,下巴上有道小逢。Close up, she could see his chiseled face, a small cleft in his chin.

凿痕好看工具条,并明确的内容区域,方便阅读突出。Chiseled nice looking sidebars, and clear-cut content area highlighted for easy reading.

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他刚硬的面部线条和具有穿透力的目光表明他是纯种俄罗斯人。Putin is unmistakably Russian, with chiseled facial features and those penetrating eyes.

内德·弗兰德斯是左撇子,是虔诚的教徒,身体轮廓极其分明。Ned Flanders is left-handed, devoutly religious, and has a surprisingly chiseled physique.

你召唤出了一个由冰凿刻而成的巨大漂浮手掌来抓住你的敌人并冻僵他。You conjure a giant floating hand made of chiseled ice thatclutches foes and freezes them.

一个女人穿着白外套,轮廓分明的脸,金发披在背后,带着方框眼镜走到希尔旁边。A woman white coat, chiseled face, blond hair pulled back, librarian glass came up to Hill.

牙花弹子的顶端被加工成不同角度的凿型,并和钥匙上的角度切削相配合。The tips of key pins are chiseled at various angles and mate with angled bitting cuts on the key.

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经过众多石工艰苦劳作,此碑大体凿就。The huge stone blocks were chiseled off the hill body by numerous stoneworkers laboring arduously.

最好的部分在于其出众的万宝龙标志,这颗星雕刻在镶嵌于笔盖上方的珍珠母上。The best thing is the exclusive Montblanc symbol, the star chiseled in mother of pearl adorning the cap.

侮辱人者是把话写在沙上,受辱者却把它看作镶刻在铜上。The man who offers an insult writes it in sand, but for the man who received it, it's chiseled in bronze.

离得近了,她看清楚了他清秀的面孔,他的下巴上有个小小的沟纹,头发梳成非洲黑人那样的卷发。Close up, she could see his chiseled face, a small cleft in his chin. His hair was styled into a small Afro.

昨晚,这个轮廓分明的明星在有五千个座位的花园剧院举行了他在纽约的第一场演唱会。Last night, the chiseled star made his first appearance in New York, at the 5,000-seat Theater in the Garden.

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F5是第一款定制高尔夫球车,从一款传统的意大利跑车构架打造而成,它的制造者如是说。The F5 is the first custom golf cart chiseled from a classic Italian sports car architecture, its maker says.

科学或许能解释为什么我们会迷恋布拉德·彼特棱角分明的下巴和乔治·克鲁尼温情脉脉的双眼。Science might be able to explain our fascination with Brad Pitt's chiseled jaw and George Clooney's smoldering eyes.

这座废墟建在精心凿刻的石块群上,是印加人精良的工程技术的见证。Built over carefully chiseled stone blocks the ruins bear testimony to the intricate engineering skills of the incas.