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我现在相信吉纳维夫是为每一个人而生的。I now believe Genevieve is here for everyone.

珍妮妃甫低声的说着,却因听见自己的声音而觉得不安起来。Whispered Genevieve , and started nervously at the sound of her own voice.

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吉纳维芙属于我们节食俱乐部,她又叹息她的体重增加了。Genevieve belongs to our Diet Club and she was lamenting that she had gained weight.

我相信吉纳维夫正在融入这个世界,她的心脏随着我跳动。I believe Genevieve is taking over the world, one heart at a time-beginning with mine.

吉纳维夫。吉布森先生,美国职业护理助理全国联网。Mr. Genevieve Gipson, RN MEd RNC, Director, National Network of Career Nursing Assistants, U. S. A.

吉纳维芙开心地笑了起来,并说起了俏皮话,“他不会发现,我又做了另外一个蛋糕,并也吃了一半。”Genevieve smiled broadly and quipped, 'He never found out. I made another cake and ate half of that too. '

这是安德鲁阿里登多,加利福尼亚巴诺拉马城圣日内韦弗高中一名十六岁的学生给出的一条建议。That's one piece of advice from Andrew Arredondo, 16, a junior at St. Genevieve High School in Panorama City, Calif.

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国王派他的表妹公爵夫人罗薇娜,去教导自己的十二位公主如何变成淑女。King Randolph sends for his cousin Duchess Rowena to help turn his daughters, Princess Genevieve and her 11 sisters, into better ladies.

这项分析由澳洲莫纳什大学人口与城市研究中心的热内维埃芙·赫德所做,它的结论与人们对受过教育妇女的传统看法正好相反。The analysis, by Genevieve Heard, of the Centre for Population and Urban Research at Monash University, turns on its head traditional assumptions about educated women.

当这批素描画在俄罗斯圣彼得堡的冬宫博物馆展出时,博物馆方面就曾将之称为是毕加索的“温柔”时代或“热纳维耶芙”时代。The collection of sketches was described as Picasso's "Tender" or "Genevieve" period by the HermiTage Museum in the Russian city of St. Petersburg when it showed them.

夏天,在靠近尼斯的阿斯普莱蒙,罗宾与一位身份不明的女士相爱,后来她怀了他们的女儿,珍碧菩,她是被她的母亲抚养大的。During the Summer, in Aspremont, near Nice, Lupin has an affair with an unknown woman, who later gives birth to his daughter, Geneviève. Geneviève is raised by her mother.

近日,比利时开始审理一起母亲杀子女案。去年2月,42岁的比利时妇女雷尔米特亲手杀害5名亲生子女,他们的年龄在3至14岁。The trial of Genevieve Lhermitte, a 42-year-old Belgian mother accused of killing her 5 children aged between 3 and 14 in February last year, has opened in Belgium Monday.