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当然,稀里糊涂就上去了。Of course, muddleheaded go up.

懵懵懂懂,突然收获了一份爱情。Muddleheaded I suddenly reaped a love.

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我看你呀,是够糊涂。In my opinion, you are muddleheaded enough.

经年的思念与苦恋,让我变的混混噩噩。Years of missing and bitter love made me muddleheaded.

稀里糊涂的安装也叫安装使用用户?Muddleheaded installation also called installation using user?

稀里糊涂的去了一家餐厅做了几年服务员。Muddleheaded went to a restaurant for a few years and attendant.

我在黑暗中痴痴的等待着黎明。Muddleheaded , I'm waiting for the arrival of the dawn in the darkness.

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我的各种证件,该办的不该办的,都是糊涂账。All sorts of my certificate, should do ought not to do, it is muddleheaded Zhang.

至于打人的是谁,他说“稀里糊涂的,也不清楚怎么就打起来了”。" The beatings of who he is, he said, " muddleheaded , and it was not clear how soon up.

不过,那时的薛佳凝还有点稀里糊涂,特别不喜欢演话剧。However, there are points when the Xuejianing muddleheaded , especially do not like my drama.

这样的说话保证即使是最糊涂的丈夫,也不会会错意的。Such conversation assures even if the most muddleheaded husband, also won't meet of bad idea.

病房里,尤斌忍不住感叹两个人稀里糊涂结婚的事,觉得很有意思。Ward, YouBin could not help but sigh muddleheaded marriage two people, feel very interesting.

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你也学习了波浪理论、江恩的测市法则、混沌理论之类的。You also learned the law measuring city of wave theory, Jiang En, muddleheaded academic and so on.

“难得糊涂”是中国文化所特有的一种思维方式和生存方式。The "Occasionally muddleheaded" is a special feature in the thinking and surviving ways of Chinese culture.

他称,这是得中国房地产业从低谷冲向高峰所赐,稀里糊涂赚了钱。He said that this is a low dashed from the peak of China's real estate industry has bestowed, muddleheaded money.

接着银行,凭感觉,稀里糊涂就把赌资给了开发商,有了赌资的开发商就成了“操盘手”。Then banks Pingganjue, muddleheaded put money to the developers, the developers would become a unified "pro hand."

原本“混沌未开”的男性走进整容医院,开始了男性整容时代。Originally " muddleheaded did not leave " the male walks into face-lifting hospital, began male face-lifting period.

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其实放弃也是一种爱,只是当爱冲昏了头时,自己未必能体会的到。Actually gives up also is one kind of love, only is when loves flusheswas muddleheaded , own not necessarily can realize.

透支之后,学会记帐,千万不要作糊涂透支族。After overdrawing, institutional chalk it up, must not make muddleheaded overdraw a group of things with common features.

他们被迫参加起义,确实是因为官员贪污,再加上大臣的奸诈和皇帝的昏庸。They are forced to support a rebel because the officials are really corrupt, the ministers treacherous and the emperor muddleheaded.