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风力农场分向岸和向海两种形式。Wind farms come in onshore and offshore forms.

水手们把船停靠在码头上,上岸去了。Sailors moored their boat to a dock and went onshore.

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还有岸上的活动与船上的课程相配合。Sea-bound classes will be complemented by onshore activities.

人们对此期望值很高,因为发生石油渗漏的地带往往都在岸边。Expectations are high—oil has long been known to seep onshore.

然后他们会用手把鱼兜起来,扔到岸上的桶里面。They'll grab the fish by hand and throw them into buckets onshore.

此调整将从2010年1月1日起对国内申请人生效。This change will apply from 1January 2010 for people applying onshore.

中国政府仍然通过严格的控制将境内外市场区分开。The off- and onshore markets are still separated by a cliff of controls.

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所有复杂的电力设备都会在水上轻松且无故障地运作。All the complex power generation equipment remains easily accessible onshore.

当时的生意很兴旺,一年后就在岸上开设了新店“南岗新渔港”。Business boomed, and one year later New Nangang Fish Harbour was opened onshore.

滩海路是为了开发丰富的滩海石油资源而修筑的联系陆地与人工岛的纽带。Jetty road is the link of onshore to man-made island in marine petroleum exploitation.

大西洋风能网传输的是直流电而非陆地电网使用的交流电。The AWC will carry direct current rather than alternating current like the onshore grid.

你可以在澳大利亚递交你的签证申请。他可以申请为非移民目的的配偶。You can apply for your visa onshore and he will be declared as the non- migrating spouse.

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我们不妨将这与政府定义的最便宜的替代能源——陆上风电场比较一下。Compare that to an onshore wind plant, the cheapest alternative according to the government.

自1983年起,人们就在贝特达尔瓦卡岛上进行陆上和海上探险。Onshore and offshore explorations have been carried out around Bet Dwarka Island since 1983.

但东非地区无法无天的局面却让海盗在岸上有安全藏身之地。But in East Africa, there has been lawlessness that has given pirates a sort of haven onshore.

该决定将会允许境外人民币返回境内换购资产不仅仅是商品。It will allow some offshore yuan to climb back onshore in exchange for assets rather than goods.

他们相遇后不久,她就会觉得安全,幸福,终于脱离了苦海,获得了保障。Not long after they meet she is secure, and happy, having been brought to safety, onshore at last.

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将铺设一条350公里长的海底天然气管线,连接气田和位于浙江省宁波市的陆上终端。A 350-kilometre subsea gas pipeline is to be laid to an onshore terminal in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province.

分解油页岩比传统的陆上钻探的过程更加费力费钱。Cracking open shale is a much more intensive, and expensive, process than traditional onshore drilling.

当前世界政治格局为各国间的陆上运输创造了良好条件。Pattern of current world politics is the onshore carriage creation between each country good condition.