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潮夕摩擦理论是海洋动力学的课题。The theory of tidal friction is the concern of dynamic oceanography.

尽管困难重重,雷西诺斯还是决心要学习海洋学。Despite the constraints, Recinos was determined to study oceanography.

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雷西诺斯解释道,事实上,“在整个中美洲没有一所大学把海洋学设置为一门主修学科。In fact, explains Recinos, “there’s no oceanography major in Central America.

加州斯克里普斯海洋研究所也属于该网络。California-based Scripps Institution of Oceanography is also part of the network.

可是雷西诺斯还希望报效国家,让其他学生对海洋学产生兴趣。But Recinos also wanted to give back and get other students interested in oceanography.

俄勒冈州立大学的鲍勃Collier说,公平地说,数据阵列将彻底改变海洋学。OSU's Bob Collier says it's fair to say the data array will revolutionize oceanography.

回到萨尔瓦多,雷西诺斯认识到海洋学就是她要从事的领域。When she returned to El Salvador, Recinos knew that oceanography was the field for her.

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您正在收听的是圣迭戈斯克里普斯海洋研究所米里亚姆•戈尔茨坦的讲话。You’re listening to Miriam Goldstein, of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego.

一名12年级的高中学生写了一篇申请大学的文章,描述她想要从事与海洋学相关的职业。A 12th-grader wrote a college admissions essay about wanting to pursue a career in oceanography.

先秦海洋观念是中国古代海洋文化不可或缺的一环。The oceanography outlook of the Pre-Qin Perios is an integral part of ancient Chinese marine culture.

其中一门是针对中学生的地球物理学课程,该课程把海洋学内容纳入了教学大纲。One is a geophysics class for secondary school students that incorporates oceanography lessons into the syllabus.

海面雷达后向散射系数是主动微波遥感定量化研究海洋的基础。Backscattering coefficients play on important role in active microwave remote sensing applications in oceanography.

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不过,雷西诺斯仍然帮助教授另一课程——针对大学一年级学生的海洋学实验。Recinos, however, still helps to teach the second class, an oceanography lab for first-year undergraduate students.

文中还介绍了军事海洋学和基于模型的声呐设计等新概念。Some new concept and idea, such as military oceanography model-based sonar design, are also reviewed in this paper.

发展水道测量方面的科学和描述性海洋学所使用的技术。The development of the sciences in the field of hydrography and the techniques employed in descriptive oceanography.

上海市海洋局说每年赤潮的次数都在增加。The local branch of the state oceanography bureau says the number of red tides being reported each year is increasing.

内波的实验室模拟是目前物理海洋学和流体力学研究的热点之一。Laboratory experiment of internal waves is one of the hotspots in present physical oceanography and fluid mechanics study.

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在洪堡,雷西诺斯和其他学生们出海采集标本,获得了对海洋学的直接体验。At Humboldt, Recinos and the other students went out to sea to take samples, and Recinos experienced oceanography firsthand.

希尔德布兰在09年发布了一篇关于蓝鲸之歌的研究。That’s according to John Hildebrand of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego. He published a 2009 study on whale songs.

她要把海洋学介绍给学生们,希望他们能应用他们所学的知识去解决气候变化等全球性难题。She wanted to introduce students to oceanography so that they might apply their knowledge to solve global challenges like climate change.