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不要低估詹姆斯。Don't underestimate James.

你看轻你自己。You underestimate yourself.

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不要过低估计对方队。Don't underestimate the other team.

但如果你敢小看他,那你可得风险自负。But underestimate him at your peril.

似乎我不该低估保罗的能力。But I should never underestimate Paul.

不要低估一见倾心。Don't underestimate love at first sight.

永远都别低估它的力量。Never underestimate the power of a plan.

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不要低估这个假警察。Do NOT underestimate this fake policeman.

千万不要低估沉默者的力量。Do not underestimate the power of silence.

但是你也低估了你的耶鲁校友But you underestimate your Yale colleagues.

不要低估匆匆性爱的影响力。Never underestimate the power of a quickie.

要看清自己,不要看轻自己。To see yourself, do not underestimate yourself.

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我们低估影响改变的能力。We underestimate our capacity to affect change.

千万别小觑了这区区的题材小事。We should never underestimate the issue of theme.

但是我们绝不可小觑罪的严重性。Yet we must never underestimate sin's deadliness.

千万不要低估天然药物的作用。Never underestimate the power of natural medication.

黄色的遮瑕膏会低估蓝色变。" Blue, Yellow Concealer underestimate " the " change.

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竞争对手们说,小看任正非就是在冒险。Underestimate Ren at your peril, Ren's competitors say.

第二,绝对不要低估媒体愚蠢的程度。Second, never underestimate the gullibility of the media.

不要低估了这里天气的易变性。Don't underestimate the changeability of the weather here.