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她是慈母般的老师。She is a motherly teacher.

让我给你一点慈父般的忠告吧。Let me give you a little motherly advice.

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贝基笑着向儿子传授一些母亲的智慧。Chuckling, Becky imparts some motherly wisdom.

它同时汇聚了柔美、孩子气和慈母般的滋味。It is at once childish, feminine and motherly.

对于西摩来说,这是一个讲述母爱的传奇故事。For Seymour, the saga of motherly love was anything but.

是水的味道还是母爱的味道呢?The taste of water or the motherly love the taste of it?

母爱就像一只无形的巨手,支撑着我们。Motherly love is like a giant invisible hand, support us.

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母爱深似海,父爱重如山。Deep sea motherly love, fatherly love heavy as a mountain.

我是一个在笨拙地尝试一个母亲角色的父亲。I’m a father who makes bumbling attempts at motherly things.

她摇了摇头,就像当贾瑞需要母亲的建议时。She shook her head, like she did when Gary needed motherly advice.

失去了父爱或是母爱的孩子,被称为“单翼天使”。Fatherly or motherly love has lost a child, known as the "angel wing."

我已经听到了他们的歌曲“真的爱你”的赞扬母爱。I had heard their song "Truly Love You, " which commends motherly love.

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主要内容是对母爱、童真及大自然的讴歌。Main content is the motherly love, innocence and the nature of the Acura.

想吐,妇女们的“母性本能”就一定能提振日本经济了吗?Oh, barf, Women's "motherly instinct"is going to boost the Japanese economy?

就让我们学会拥有和珍惜母爱吧,因为它是所有爱的主打歌。Let us learn to own and cherish the motherly love it, because it is all love a single.

玛利亚和萨沙将被另一位妈妈级人物领进华盛顿的新家。Malia and Sasha will be guided by another motherly presence at their new Washington home.

新生的小马驹需要依靠妈妈来获取一切,充饥的食物和温暖的母爱。Newborn foals rely on their mothers to provide everything from food to motherly affection.

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母爱如水,母爱无疆,浩如烟海的文字传诵着对母亲的赞美。Motherly love, such as water, non-maternal Xinjiang, a vast text read to the mother's praise.

你可能会对自己改变的身体而忧愁,或者你会陶醉于自己新的母亲般的体形。You may be fretting about your changing body or you may be reveling in your new motherly shape.

她对弗莱德·文西有一种母性的感情,对他的过失始终采取宽容态度。Towards Fred Vincy she had a motherly feeling , and had always been disposed to excuse his errors.