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在洛厄尔,我每个月的房租是400美元。My rent in Lowell was 0 dollars a month.

这位画家是实验室的创立者帕西维尔?罗尼尔。The artist was the observatory's founder, Percival Lowell.

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罗威尔?会计部的那个罗威尔,你觉得我们很配?Lowell? Financial Services' Lowell, that's who you saw me with?

但是在洛厄尔,只要我喜欢,就能乘着火车去康科德。But from Lowell I could get to Concord by train as often as I liked.

我还有一张是关于,洛厄尔.米尔斯的徽章的,但是我们用不到它I had a picture of the Lowell Mills insignia but you don't need that.

第一章为洛威尔及其挽诗的简介。ChapterOneisabrief introduction of Robert Lowell and his elegiac poetry.

他对后世诗人如罗伯特·洛威尔和艾伦·金斯伯格的影响深远。His great influence on Robert Lowell and Allen Ginsberg is widely acknowledged.

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而洛威尔恰恰是诗歌丛林中怒吼着、把自己刺痛得血淋淋的悲剧之王。It was Lowell who was the roaring, self-lacerating, tragic king of the poetry jungle.

帕西瓦尔罗威尔一生都没有像自己希望的那样,通过天文学的发现来享受到成功的喜悦。During his life, Percival Lowell did not enjoy the success he hoped to find in astronomy.

妇女外出工作,最著名的是位于马萨诸塞州,的洛威尔纺织厂Women went to work, most famously in the Lowell factories in Massachusetts and in other places.

当地的洛厄尔国立历史公园创建于1978年,是为了纪念美国的第一批棉纺织工厂。Lowell National Historical Park, commemorating the first American textile mills, was established in 1978.

这是旧金山一所知名的公立学校,是那一带学校中的佼佼者,对学生的成绩要求很高,并开设了大学预科课程。Superior to any schools around, Lowell provided high achievement standards and advanced-placement courses.

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堤客的「威廉、罗威」证明印象一致性的优点。There is a passage in Tieck's William Lowell which demonstrates the virtues of a uniformity of impression.

在此前的马德里德比中,皇马队长劳尔一直都有着令人赞叹的发挥。In Madrid Derby before this, Realmadrid Chief Lowell has had the display which the sending orders person acclaims.

美国马萨诸塞州东北部一城镇,位于洛威尔以南。建于'37年,主要为住宅区。人口37,'09。A town of northeast Massachusetts south of Lowell. Settled in '37, it is primarily residential. Population, 37, '09.

在梅里马克水域很深,一直都是一个充满活力和力量的洛厄尔人民的来源。The waters of the Merrimac run deep and have always been a source of vitality and strength for the people of Lowell.

在哈佛“罗维尔舍院”主修历史和文化研究的Melvoin明年将会把研究重点放在中国发展方向。Melvoin, a History and Literature concentrator in Lowell House, will focus on studying development in China next year.

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这个备受好评的洛厄尔续集将继续我们的旅程这个时候进入这个迷人的城市更近一些。This sequel to the highly acclaimed Lowell continues our journey this time into the more recent past of this amazing city.

不幸是双刃刀,成是它,败也是它,就看你抓的是刀刃还是刀柄。"Mishaps are like knives, that either serve us or cut us, as we grasp them by the blade or the handle. " -James Russel Lowell.

它曾是美国纺织工业的心脏,并因此而处在美国工业革命的最前线。Lowell was at the heart of the American textile industry and consequently at the forefront of the American Industrial Revolution.