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汤姆也许已经忘记今天是他生日。Tom has probably forgotten that toddy is his birthday.

蒂文森先生正在东京,请与他在皇后饭店联系。Rl stevenson director abc company now in toddy contact him at queen hotel.

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一杯热棕榈酒能改善睡眠,但不要和其他感冒药混合在一起。A hot toddy may help you sleep, but beware of mixing alcohol with other cold.

这位丈夫真是畜生,给他喝棕榈酒,等他醉了后把他扔进井里。What a beast the husband is, give him Toddy to drink and wait until he is drunk throw him into a well.

任何的一种从发酵的棕榈树液或发酵的糖蜜蒸馏提取出来的烈酒。Any of various strong liquors distilled from the fermented sap of toddy palms or from fermented molasses.

谢谢你们今天又来听这个简短讲座。我准备讲讲学生银行。Thanks for turning up today, thanks for turning up toddy to this short talk I'm going to give on student banking.

而提供足够的猪肉、棕榈酒、乐师和舞者,风风光光地送行,就更不在话下了。Not to mention providing enough pig meat, palm toddy , musicians and dancers to ensure a truly magnificent send-off.

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甚至我的味蕾也喜欢雨天,外面狂风暴雨时,正是吃热巧克力或者喝轻柔的棕榈汁的好时机。Even my tastebuds prefer the rain. When it storms outside, it's time for steamy hot chocolate or even a soothing toddy.

布里森登心满意足地啜着他的柠檬威十忌甜酒,面对着谴责的风暴。他承认对方的活每一句都对,只是关于杂志编辑的活不对。Under the storm of denunciation Brissenden complacently sipped his toddy and affirmed that everything the other said was quite true, with the exception of the magazine editors.

早期的配方书里司令与温威的配料一样,实际上,一个世纪之前人们偏好的司令与温威的程度是不分上下的。The oldest recipe books refer to a Sling as having the same ingredients as a Toddy , and in fact a century ago both Slings and Toddies were served either hot or cold according to preference.