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此外,不能忽视非重要性对审计风险的影响。Moreover, the infection that immateriality to auditing risk cannot be ignored.

企业赖以生存和发展的核心价值正由有形资产向无形资产演变。The kernel value on which enterprises rely is changing from materiality to immateriality.

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如何进一步探索近代历史遗存中“非物质”保护的理论,实现近代历史遗存的生存也因此成为了人们普遍关注的热点。So, the hotspot is appeared on how to realize the survival of modern culture heritage with exploring the"immateriality"theory in it.

近几年,通过传承人韩海华的发扬光大,江南船拳已经列为浙江省非物质文化保护遗产项目。Lately, through developing further, ship boxing in river south has been listed as an immateriality culture protection heritage project.

权力资源是指在权力形成、生成过程中所赖以凭借的各种主客观条件,是权力形成过程中所耗费的有形、无形物的总和。Power resource is the varieties of subjective and objective condition and total of materiality and immateriality in the course of production of power.

但数字艺术审美主体的自由是以数字符号的非物质性为前提的,数字符号的非物质性既是构成数字艺术审美主体自由的契机也是其陷阱。However, the freedom of aesthetic subject is based on the immateriality of the digital code, which provides both a chance and a trap for the subject freedom.

企业价值网络的形成和拓展推动了企业边界的渗透和融合,导致企业有形边界与无形边界的分离。The expanding of enterprise value network promoted firms' boundaries to infiltrate and induced the immateriality boundary to separate from the materiality boundary.

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最后,对社区教育网络基地、“课程”、“‘人’的资源”以及无形教育资源的开发有针对性地提出了几点建议。At last, the author also expresses some suggestions for community education bases, "Courses", "Human resource" and the development of immateriality education resource.

经由表现我们的实际的经验,艺术家提醒我们,科学是不完整的,物质图像是永不可能解释我们意识之无形。By expressing our actual experience, the artist reminds us that our science is incomplete, that no map of matter will ever explain the immateriality of our consciousness.

本文认为信息建筑美学思想由注重实体研究的客观倾向转变为注重虚拟研究的非物质倾向,即传统“真实”概念的拓展及“虚”化。The dissertation deems that the study of architectural aesthetic conception are paying more attention to "virtual" and "immateriality", rather than "reality" and "substantiality".

所以,笛卡尔试图,用他的卡式思想实验来证明,心灵的独立存在性,和非物质性,我认为这种尝试是失败的And so, Descartes' attempt to establish the distinctness of the mind, the immateriality of the mind, on the basis of this Cartesian thought experiment, I think that's unsuccessful.

画中人身穿深色长裤与红色夹克,脸上夹杂著与深色背景相近的蓝色,表现出他的虚幻与想像的构图空间。The figure, in dark pants and red blazer, is flecked with strokes of blue paint that match the deep background of the canvas, suggesting his immateriality and the imagined space of the composition.

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其二则是考虑人们的心理因素、地域人文环境等无形的非物质原则,以及其他制约因素所组成的运行机制。The second one is thinking of immateriality rules which is psychological factor and environment of distraction-culture and so on, and the operating mechanism which is made of other limiting factors.