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我从未被认出来过。I never ever get recognized.

她已不再认识它了。She no longer recognized it.

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然而,这只让我看清了两件事。I merely recognized two things.

我立刻听出了他的口音。I recognized his voice at once.

她立即认出他来。She recognized him immediately.

你的才能将被发觉。Your talent will be recognized.

他通过红帽子认出了她。He recognized her by her red hat.

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你居然认得出他,真叫人奇怪。It's a wonder you recognized him.

我从他的衣服上认出了他。I recognized him from his clothes.

李女士认得这是她老板的声音。Ms. Li recognized her boss’s voice.

电话上,我听出了他的声音。I recognized his voice on the phone.

李万枝认出是工厂领导的声音。Li recognized the voice of her boss.

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阿方斯立刻认可了他们。Alphonse recognized them immediately.

他倒还认得我,挥一挥钳子。He recognized me and waved a forceps.

确认为无法投递的邮件。E-Mail was recognized as undeliverable.

“糟糕,他认出我了,”她想。"Darn, he recognized me, " she thought.

否则,语法就不能被识别。Otherwise, the syntax is not recognized.

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她意识到罗杰是个危险人物。She recognized in Roger a dangerous man.

这是一部公认的经典影片。The film is now recognized as a classic.

他的字迹行家一看就能认出来His handwriting is recognized by experts.