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至关重要的炮弹总是哑弹。The crucial round is a dud.

至关重要的炮弹总是哑弹。The crucial circular is a dud.

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至关重要的炮弹总是哑弹。The pivotal circular is a dud.

而且这一次,这枚炸弹又被证实为哑弹。And this time too the bombproved a dud.

孤独的女人出现在追光灯下,达德尸体旁边。A single woman appears in a spotlight near the body of Dud.

蟒蛇的主子有没有活下来?没有。When the python attaked it's owner, dud the owner survive? No.

在检测进程中,很可能命中几个“无用的”设备节点。Along the way, it's very likely that it will hit several "dud" device nodes.

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当你发现自己的一号人选是个废物的时候,你就可以给他们打电话。You may be making a call to them when your first choice turns out to be a dud.

传统的白炽灯尽管给人们带来了光明,但在某种意义上却没有多大用处。ALTHOUGH it symbolises a bright idea, the traditional incandescent light bulb is a dud.

参加演习的人都不明白,瞎火怎么可能会爆炸?Everyone who took part in the rehearsal are confused as to the reason why a dud can explode.

迫击炮弹幕只有一发能命中目标,这一发通常是哑弹。Your mortar barrage will put exactly one round on the intended target. That round will be a dud.

达德·博尔特是少数几个依靠木偶而非全计算机制作的飞梭大赛赛车手之一。Dud Bolt was one of the few Podracer pilots realized as a puppet rather than an all computer-generated creation.

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博尔特引起的任何车祸都由这个达格人秘密赔付,而达德则充当塞布巴的空中保镖。The treacherous Dug secretly paid Bolt for any crashes he caused, and Dud worked as Sebulba's mid-air bodyguard.

我的公关安排了我的一切,我只能在豪华车里与他会面,摆出拍照姿势,与他整晚在一起而他就象个陪衬。My publicist fixed me up, I just met him in the limo, posed for pictures and spent all night with him and he was a dud.

虽然无力偿还的消费信贷已经备受关注了,但是,消费者并非唯一无法按时还贷的人群。But although dud consumer loans have attracted much attention, individuals are not the only ones failing to pay on time.

虽然科学家非常高兴能够收到传回地球的一大堆数据,但这项任务无助于公共关系。Though scientists were overjoyed with the plethora of data beamed back to Earth, the mission was a public relations dud.

自1998年的阿什利.巨德“双重危险”,我从来没有见过一份如此忽略法律制度的篇章。I haven't seen a script with this level of ignorance about the legal system since 1998's Ashley Judd dud "Double Jeopardy.

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自1998年阿什莉·朱迪的双重危机之后,我从来没有见过对于法律体系无知到这种程度的剧本。I haven’t seen a script with this level of ignorance about the legal system since 1998's Ashley Judd dud "Double Jeopardy."

如果你总是把性生活列入一个狭窄的时间段,比如说在10点新闻和触枕即睡的时间段,那你肯定好不到那儿去。If you keep sex relegated to the dud time slot between the 10 o'clock news and passing out on the pillow, it's gonna suffer.

显然当局关心的是,银行将难以确定哪些企业将度过难关,以及可能面临大量不良贷款。The concern, of course, is that banks will have trouble determining who will pull through, and could easily wind up with a lot of dud loans.