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水源学院还在加利福尼亚开设了一所学校。Wellspring also runs an academy in California.

保守你的心胜过保守一切,因为一身的果效是由心发出的。Gard your heart for it is wellspring of your life.

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我们的繁荣是我们国力的源泉。Our prosperity serves as a wellspring for our power.

他自下而上的办法带来了源源不断的金钱和投票。His bottom-up approach tapped a wellspring of money and votes.

孔子与他弟子享受到的快乐也可以成为我们幸福的源泉。The happiness that Confucius and his disciples enjoyed can be a wellspring of happiness for us.

但是长期来说,储蓄却是具有决定性意义的——它为投资提供资金来源,进而给增长提供动力。But in the long run, saving is critical--it finances investment, which is the wellspring of growth.

酒店还设有圣水源文化休闲中心,汗蒸房、棋牌室。Fasten Hotel also has Sacred Wellspring Cultural Leisure Center with steam rooms, chess and card rooms.

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从个人层面来说,我们每个人已经站在了自己的“可再生能源”源泉上面了---我们的双腿。In a personal way, each of us is literally standing on our own wellspring of renewable energy—our feet.

阿债务的感激和对他人的意识和慷慨、善良生活的重要源泉。A sense of gratitude and indebtedness to others is and important wellspring of a generous and virtuous life.

我们努力的核心是致力于重振作为美国力量源泉的美国经济。At the center of our efforts is a commitment to renew our economy, which serves as the wellspring of American power.

创新是马克思主义的本质特征,是其永葆生命力的不竭源泉。As an essential feature of Marxism, innovation is an unexhausted wellspring of always maintaining the Paty's vitality.

版权是用来鼓励创新的,而非扼杀创新。That would be a sad irony -- copyright being used to stifle an exciting new wellspring of creativity, rather than encourage it.

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这就是开罗,文明的摇篮,文化的源泉,亚洲,非洲以及欧洲的交融之地。This is Cairo --a cradle of civilization, a wellspring of culture, and a meeting-place of the Asian, African, and European World.

酒店还设有圣水源文化休闲中心,汗蒸房、桌球室、棋牌室、健身房。Fasten Hotel also has Sacred Wellspring Cultural Leisure Center with steam rooms, table tennis rooms, chess and card rooms and gyms.

您的圣名是至尊喜悦赐福的泉源,是梵的化身,是触手可及的,充满超然知识。Your name is the wellspring of supreme bliss, the embodiment of Brahman, is readily available, and is full of transcendental knowledge.

在这样的互动情境中学习与思考,经典才能成为文化创新的泉源。The classics can become the wellspring of cultural innovation, only if the learners can learn and think in such an interaction situation.

表层岩溶带地下水作为岩溶水有效开发利用资源的一部分,己成为岩溶石山地区居民用水的重要水源之一和石漠化治理的希望。As a part of efficient exploitation karst water, the Epikarst water has become an important wellspring for those people living in mountainous area.

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水源学院还在加利福尼亚开设了一所学校。北卡罗来纳州的学校占地220荧幕,目前有50名从11岁到18岁的孩子住在那里。Wellspring also runs an academy in California. The North Carolina academy sits on 220 acres and is home to 50 students between the ages of 11 and 18.

前者充盈着令人恐怖的美丽--在充满着悲伤色彩的场景中,Dolores在他怀中依偎着直至化为灰烬。The first of these is a wellspring of terrible beauty—a scene of saturated, almost painful colors, as Dolores clings to him and crumbles to ash in his arms.

在南威尔士社工的帮助下,乔治雅去了位于北卡罗来纳州蓝脊山的水源学院。Social workers at home in Aberdare, South Wales, helped Georgia get all the way to Wellspring Academy of the Carolinas in North Carolina's Blue Ridge Mountains.