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给你买一艘游艇,我还买得起。I can spring to a yacht for you.

强劲动力、海世艇业。Strong driving force, Haishi Yacht.

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他们要修建一座巨大的游艇码头。They're building a goddam yacht harbor.

他曾打算乘快艇横渡太平洋。He planned to cross the Pacific by yacht.

游艇进入杜瓦尔纳内兹海湾。The yacht came into the Bay of Douarnenez.

爱玩游艇的超级富豪们又多了一个选择。The super-rich yacht playing one more choice.

你在一艘航行于太平洋的游艇上。You are on a yacht sailing the Pacific Ocean.

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一年中的这个时候,游艇市场很低靡。The yacht market is slow this time of the year.

他们的帆船搁浅在沙丘上了。Their yacht was left high and dry on a sandbank.

多拉达号是最早出现的摩登帆船。Dorade is considered the very first modern yacht.

什么东西从水上飞机掉到游艇上。Something fell from the seaplane on to the yacht.

“太空快艇”埃喀里斯飞向金星和更远的宇宙。"Space yacht" Ikaros headed for Venus and beyond.

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私人游艇属于那些深爱大海的亿万富翁。A private yacht is a must for seafaring billionaires.

游艇计时器用于时的帆船赛开始。The yacht timer is used to time the start of regattas.

上周四,英国海军发现了这艘已被洗劫一空的游艇。The British navy found their empty yacht last Thursday.

舱壁隔板墙使用了游艇木板。The bulkhead walls are planked and pegged as on a Yacht.

他出租了154英尺宽,代号“恐怖者”的巨型游艇。He rents out this 154-foot mega yacht called Mr. Terrible.

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俊表与丝草在游艇上重逢。他们紧紧拥抱。Jun Pyo and Jan Di reunite on a yacht. He hugs her tightly.

在返航途中游艇被突然袭来的狂风暴雨所倾覆。On the return voyage the yacht capsized in a sudden squall.

有一天晚上,他们同邱吉尔在奥纳西斯的游艇上共进晚餐。One evening they dined with Churchill on the Onassis yacht.