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糖果不应该结晶但是也不应该吸收太多水分。The candy should not crystallise but should also not absorb too much water.

肾结石是尿液中的矿物质结晶而成为的固体。A kidney stone is a solid mass formed when minerals in our urine crystallise.

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比彻姆补充称,经历整个创业过程“有助于使我们形成一整套的方法”。Going through the process "helped crystallise our approach", Ms Beauchamp adds.

不过,克鲁达斯说人们要想看到这类政治活动具体化还需要些耐心。But Cruddas says people wanting this politics to crystallise will have to be patient.

Kanatzidis博士团队正在研究能够使这些化合物适当结晶的方法。Dr Kanatzidis's group is developing new ways of making these compounds crystallise correctly.

即便如此,一个较弱的欧元可能结晶的感觉,欧洲没有尽其位,以支持全球需求。Even so, a weaker euro may crystallise a feeling that Europe is not doing its bit to support global demand.

坏消息是,电缆,很容易出现结晶和变硬喜欢从维克多和圆滑的同事。The bad news is that the cable, is prone to crystallise and harden likes its colleagues from Victor and Sleek.

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此番新商标的推出始于两年前,为此建立了一个综合性的市场调查项目,旨在研究约翰斯通品牌对日常使用者的意义何在。The re-launch process started two years ago with a comprehensive market research programme, set up to crystallise what the Johnstone's brand means to everyday users.

不过显而易见,中国的这个第五大汽车制造商的正式报价,要在投标最后期限后一日方始明朗。However, it is understood that the approach by China's fifth largest carmaker, made one day after the final bidding deadline, has yet to crystallise into a formal offer.

洛俪塔·夜包装盒由极夜光晕纹饰,极具水粉质感的镶金雪晶体为这款茴香色奁匣锦上添花。The Midnight Fragrance box is adorned in a halo of polar night hues. Watercolour snow crystals that are enhanced with gold beautifully crystallise this aniseed green case.

他们使一种特殊的熔化物结晶来制作小球,这种熔化物中含有的铁元素不足以使它变成纯的锂铁磷酸盐,所以,最终当熔化物冷却下来时,就不会形成更多的锂铁磷酸盐。They crystallise from a melt that does not have enough iron in it to become pure lithium iron phosphate, so eventually no more of that material can form as the melt cools down.