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从这倒这,我就可以提纯。From here to here. And you can purify.

怎样去除眼袋啊?把眼袋变小啊?How purify pouch? pouch decrescent ah?

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水生植被具有净化水体的作用。The hydrophytes can purify water body.

该如何强化及净化悦性?How to strengthen and purify the sattva ?

腿上有鸡皮疙瘩怎么去除?。Is there gooseflesh on the leg how purify?

污渍去除后一定要漂洗干净。After the besmirch purify must rinse clean.

没有任何清洁精神真能洁净人。No amount of purism can really purify a man.

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男生怎样去除黑色、肿胀的眼袋?Schoolboy how pouch of purify black, tumid ?

我们应该消除语言中的粗俗语句。We should purify the language of barbarisms.

我用大方的慷慨净化我的行为。With open-handed Generosity, I purify my body.

我用真心交流净化我的言语。With Truthful Communication, I purify my speech.

我用善意的行动净化我的行为。With deeds of Loving-kindness, I purify my body.

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磺甘油能去除牙结石吗?。Sulphur glycerine can is purify tooth calculous ?

要把这着不雅的名词去除。Want this substantival purify with indelicate move.

他们打开窗户清涤室内空气。They open the windows to purify the air of the room.

一些人已学会通过过滤去净化水。Some have learned to purify water through filtration.

我用清晰的光芒四射的智慧净化我的思想。With Mindfulness clear and radiant, I purify my mind.

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印度教徒在恒河中浸泡借以涤罪。Hindus purify themselves by bathing in the river Ganges.

这种音乐似乎能够荡涤人们心灵中的邪念。The music seems to purify one's spirit of evil thoughts.

要消除病苦,必先净化自己的身心。To banish them, we must first purify our bodies and minds.