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为了这个案子,他们请教了某个法律学家。They consulted some legalist regarding the case.

法家韩非从不同角度论和。Legalist Han Fei theory and from different angles.

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而古代法家的“法治”是维护专制的手段和工具。The ideology of the legalist school autocratic means and tools in ancient times.

公案小说来源于法家类“珥笔书”,是晚明文化普及浪潮的产物。They came from the" legalist notes", being a product of the popular meta- culture.

战国初期,李悝、商鞅、申不害、慎到等开创了法家学派。The early Warring States Period, Kui, Shang Yang, Shen Buhai, Shen Dao and so created a Legalist school.

虽然秦是短命的,它的法家统治了深刻影响,后来朝代在中国。Although the Qin Dynasty was short-lived, its legalist rule had a deep impact on later dynasties in China.

思想上,宋祁思想主要以儒家思想为主,但杂有道家、佛家、法家思想。Song Qi's thought mainly comes from Confucianism, but also mixes Taoism, the Buddhist and the legalist school.

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秦朝皇帝在统治其他六国的过程中,大力度的采用了法学学者们的法制。In subjugating the six other major states of Eastern Zhou, the Qin kings had relied heavily on Legalist scholar-advisers.

行政法治的发展必须紧紧围绕法治精神、法治国家的宪政目标进行。The constitutionalist goal of a legalist rule country is surrounded by the development of the administration rule of law.

韩非是战国末期的哲学家、思想家和法家思想集大成者。Han Fei was a philosopher, political thinker and also an important representative of the Legalist School in ancient China.

其次,韩非本人不屑与儒、墨同伍的孤傲心理,也是法家远离显学的原因之一。The reasons why Legalist School is isolated from those distinguished schools are decided by its character which upholds practicality.

如果与法家比较,儒家又显得注重阴柔了,因为法家是纯任刚阳。Compared with the Legalist School, Confucianism seems emphasizing softness of Yin, for the legalist school purely uphold solidness of Yang.

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日本徂徕学派对儒法“人情论”所做的近代转换工作,则可视为这一过程的中心和枢纽。What Sorai school has done in transforming confucian and legalist theory of "Human Natural Feelings" is the center and pivot in this process.

这种纯法律的论据,同激进的共和派资产者用来击退和安抚无产者的论据完全一样。This typically legalist method of argument is exactly the same as that which the radical republican bourgeois uses to put the proletarian in his place.

该组织诞生于1928年的反殖民地及立法精神,该组织还支持二战之前武力抵抗犹太复国主义在巴勒斯坦地区的扩张。Born of anti-colonial and legalist sentimentality in 1928, the group advocated armed resistance against Zionist expansion in Palestine prior to World War II.

法家思想诞生于春秋战国的社会大变革时期,以其富国强兵、以法治国的理论而著名。Legalist ideology was born in Chunqiu-Zhanguo's period when the society reformed greatly, the ideology was famous for country's flourishing and law ideology.

法家与墨家由于立足的哲理基础不同,反映在赏罚的理论与实践上,也表现为各有特色的不同侧面。The award and punishment theory and practice display different characteristic in the Legalist School and the Mohist School, for the theory foundation is different.

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中国传统政治制度正是决定于儒法之间形成的一个张力结构,表现出“世袭官僚体制”的特征。Determined by a tension structure between the Confucian School and the Legalist School, traditional Chinese political system shows the characteristic of hereditary bureaucracy.

司马迁的历史是非观是以道家思想为指导,统摄儒、法诸家思想,与时俱进,从而形成的新价值体系。Sima Qian s historical outlook was formed as a new set of values under the guidance of Taoism, keeping pace with times with combination of Confucianism and Legalist School, etc.

例如,道学是恢复旧版本的儒家原则,出现在宋代,与佛教,道教,以及法中的宗教特点。Forexample, Neo-Confucianism was a revived version of old Confucianprinciples that appeared around the Song Dynasty, with Buddhist, Taoist, and Legalist features in the religion.