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霜于沙凝结。Frost binds sand.

安妮在冰雪节的造型。Annie at Jack Frost.

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你喜欢罗伯特·弗朗斯特吗?Do you like Robert Frost?

寒风起霜降山顶。Peak wind from the frost.

但是弗罗斯特却不同。But Frost says differently.

凝霜渐渐消散了。The frost was breaking away.

霜能冻坏水管。Frost can damage water-pipes.

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严霜使花枯死。The frost killed the flowers.

地上有霜。There is frost on the ground.

严霜把幼苗冻坏了。The frost killed the seedings.

地面因霜冻而脆硬了。The ground crisped with frost.

何处得秋霜。Where autumn frost comes from.

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严霜冻死了那些花。The frost killed those flowers.

霜降时花即枯萎。Flowers perish when frost comes.

凝霜沉声低语。Ning frost sinks a low language.

农作物被霜冻毁了。The crops were blasted by frost.

树木在霜冻下发出尖厉的响声。The trees screeching with frost.

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早霜损害了庄稼。An early frost damaged the crops.

霜已经被太阳晒化了。The frost has yielded to the sun.

晚稻禁不住霜冻。The late rice cannot stand frost.