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她小心翼翼地关上门。She cautiously closed the door.

他小心地把钉子拾了起来。He cautiously picked up the nails.

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她踮着脚尖走出了房间。She toed cautiously into the room.

你无法谨慎地靠近它。You cannot approach it cautiously.

我们谨慎地穿过房子。We walked cautiously through the house.

打开壁橱和柜子时要小心。Open closet and cabinet doors cautiously.

“我是既乐观又谨慎,”斯坦内克说。"I'm cautiously optimistic, " Stanek says.

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慎用抗纤溶剂。Uses the anti-filament resolver cautiously.

如风中之叶,小心翼翼的,漫行。Like a leaf in the wind I cautiously stroll.

我妻子谨慎地用叉子叉进去。My wife cautiously digs into it with her fork.

但如攀外出应违慎。But like climbs goes out to disobey cautiously.

我先唱一遍你们仔细听好。I'll sing the song once and you hear cautiously.

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年轻的拳击手小心翼翼地逼向拳王。The young boxer came at the champion cautiously.

列车非常小心地在桥上缓缓徐行。The train crawled over the bridge very cautiously.

但我们还是慎重地连接上,比特流开始传输。We cautiously connected and the bits began to flow.

席德已抿了口啤酒,慎重地盯着他的朋友。Sid had sipped his beer, cautiously eyeing his friend.

探险者们谨慎地把独木舟向上游划去。The explorers paddled their canoe cautiously upstream.

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这是头一回听到敲门声,雷利小心翼翼地打开门。This being a first, he approached the door cautiously.

士兵们小心翼翼地探测前方的地雷。The soldiers probed cautiously ahead of them for mines.

厄尔利谨慎地扩大了他的新建筑公司。Early expanded his new construction business cautiously.