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但是狮子张开了他的爪子。But Lion opens his paw.

不要乱翻我的书。Don't paw my books about.

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舍鱼而取熊掌者也。I prefer bear's paw to fish.

鱼和熊掌我要全包!Fish and bear's paw to all my bag!

然后把爪子印从模具上取下来。Remove the paw print from the mold.

他除去了狮子脚掌上的一根刺。He removes a thorn from a lion's paw.

它把一只毛茸茸的脚爪伸到前面。He put one big hairy paw ahead of him.

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天蝎座里巨大的猫爪星云。The vast Cat's Paw Nebula in Scorpius.

客人一爪戳进一打衬衫里。Customers who paw through a stack of shirts.

最后,它们简直拒绝给爪子。Finally, they simply refused to give the paw.

你捏他的爪子时他就会'汪汪'叫。He goes 'Woof woof' when you squeeze his paw.

我发现地面上有小而湿的爪印。On the ground I notice small, wet, paw prints.

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第四部分为“鱼与熊掌之间”。Part four is "Delima Between Fish and Bear"s Paw.

穷成这样啦,四个熊掌全卖了?So poor it into four-wide to sell the bear's paw?

男孩站在那儿,拖着狮子的前爪愣住了。The Boy stood holding the lion's paw in amazement.

狮子又向男孩靠近了一些,抬起它的前爪。The Lion came closer to the Boy and raised his paw.

那狗用脚爪按住门闩把自己放进来。The dog pressed his paw on the latch to let himself in.

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一只爪子流着血、看起来吓坏了的狗也被救援人员发现。A scared-looking dog with a bleeding paw was also found.

这就是鱼和熊掌很难兼得的。This is very difficult for fish and bear's paw exclusive.

爸爸注视着那只伸出来的爪子,下巴发颤。Dad's lower jaw trembled as he stared at the uplifted paw.