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我们只是个人站长。We are individual stationmaster only.

站长内容联盟是做什么的?What does stationmaster content alliance make?

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这是每一个站长关心的问题。This is the problem that each stationmaster cares.

站长猛扑过去,奋力夺下他手中的枪。The stationmaster pounced and wrestled the gun from him.

站长可以从这堆数据中挖掘出什么?What can stationmaster dig from inside this caboodle data?

这是每一个站长都应该思考的问题。This is the problem that each stationmaster should ponder over.

但是,我们不能因为这个而止住我们的站长之梦。But, we cannot because of this stanch the dream of our stationmaster.

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现在为了获取流量,越来越多的站长在欺骗交换链,。Now to get flow, more and more stationmaster exchange catenary in deceit,.

站长们都有一种可贵的拼劲,愈挫愈勇。Stationmaster people one kind spells interest commendably , more defeat heals brave.

所以希望站长们更清醒一点,不要让互联网毁了自己的前程!Hope so stationmaster people a bit soberer , did not let Internet destroy his career !

我记得图王说过,个人站长会像寻呼机一样成为过去!I remember graph king saying, individual stationmaster can become the past like the pager!

在这里代表无数站长感谢图王的大公无私,好人啊!What thank graph king on behalf of countless stationmaster here is impartial, good person!

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惊魂不定的司机把车驶进站,向站长报告了此事。Shaken, he brought his train into the station and reported the incident to the stationmaster.

经过一年多的运营,我拉网在个人站长中开始火爆起来。Through a year of much operation, I pull a net to begin in individual stationmaster hot rise.

我觉得这样可能对于做网站来讲,对于咱们站长来讲才更有帮助。I feel such likelihoods are told to doing a website, to us stationmaster says ability more helpful.

我看是拿着权威在吓唬那些个人站长有必要说明一下了。I look is to taking authority to be in gally those individual stationmaster be necessary to explain.

居然还有一个新手站长小兄弟,跟我还价到8毛。Still have little brother of stationmaster of a novice unexpectedly, follow my counter-bid to 8 wool.

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毕竟对于没有绘画基础的站长来说创作难度是比较大的。Creation difficulty is bigger for the stationmaster of painterly to doing not have after all foundation.

站长都很有个性,别人常问我们职业,我们体面的说自己是搞互联网的。Stationmaster very individualize, people often asks us the profession, we say we do Internet creditably.

加强中间站管理,首先要选拔好中间站站长。To strengthen the management of intermediate station, first of all the best stationmaster must be chosen.