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首先,请学习平假名和片假名。First, please study Hiragana and Katakana.

抱歉我用平假名,我从没学过日文汉字。Sorry I use hiragana. I never study kanji.

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这是日本的独特表音文字。Hiragana This is the unique phonography of Japan.

语音既可以用平假名也可以用片假名表示。A phonetic sound can be expressed in both hiragana and katakana.

不过不要担心,因为你很少在“现实生活”中用到平假名。But don't worry, because you'll hardly use Hiragana in "real life".

没有平假名或片假名在这里,但没有理由攻击她。True, there isn't any Hiragana and Katakana here, but that is NO REASON to attack her.

例如,老式的日语键盘就将拉丁字母转换成平假名和片假名。For instance, old Japanese keyboards transliterated Latin letters into Hiragana or Katakana.

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脱机手写体识别是字符识别中的难点之一,日文中的平假名类似于中文的手写体草书。Hiragana is similar to Chinese cursive writing which is a difficult topic in character recognition field.

平假名属性决定是否区分日文平假名和片假名字符。The Hiragana attribute determines whether to distinguish between Japanese hiragana and Katakana characters.

在日文中,任何拥有ATTR_NPUT属性而不能被转换的字符都是一个平假名、假名是数字字母。In Japanese, any unconverted character having the ATTR_ INPUT attribute is a Hiragana , Katakana, or alphanumeric character.

接著分析夫妻日记里所使用的平假名.片假名交错的特异文体,及其日记体的形式。Then, I will analyze the peculiar style of mixed use of the katakana and the hiragana in writing, and re-examine its dairy form.

如果选取这个值,就会将代表一个语音的平假名字元视为等于代表相同语音的片假名字元。If this value is selected, the hiragana character for one sound is considered equal to the katakana character for the same sound.

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请平假名和片假名的研究和学习名词,动词,汉字,形容词和副词在小学一年级的这个程序!Please study Hiragana and Katakana and study Nouns, Verbs, Chinese Characters, Adjectives, and Adverbs of elementary 1st grade level in this app! ! !

本文从历史的角度出发,通过分析王羲之书法和日本平假名之间的异同,阐述了日本平假名的创制与王羲之书法的重要影响是分不开。The essay analyses the differences between Wang Xi-zhi s handwriting and Japanese hiragana, expounds the great effects of Wang Xi-zhi s handwriting on Japanese hiragana.