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结果羊膜移植片生长良好。Results Amniotic membrane xenograft grown well.

蛋清流到了装肉桂卷的罐头上。Clear amniotic fluid coated the can of cinnamon rolls.

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什么是羊水与胎粪吸入综合征?What is the amniotic fluid and meconium aspiration syndrome?

目前,我们在婴儿出生时,弃去羊水。At the moment we throw amniotic fluid away when babies are born.

在第三产程,羊膜囊破裂并被排出。The amniotic sac breaks and is expelled in the third stage of labor.

当你还漂浮在母亲的羊水里的时候,它可以保护你,清洁你。Back then, you were floating in amniotic fluid, protected, sanitized.

充满液体的羊膜包裹并保护胎儿缓和震动。A protective fluid-filled amniotic sac encloses and cushions the fetus.

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羊膜中的液体包围这胎儿同样含有胎儿的DNA。Fluid in the amniotic sac surrounding the fetus also contains fetal DNA.

医生说我的羊水过少需要补充。My doctor said that my amniotic fluid is low and she needs to supplement it.

核型分析法以期证实羊水中有父源性信息。Karyotype analysis was used to confirm paternal information in amniotic fluid.

矢状面扫描显示羊水进出鼻腔。Parasagittal scans show amniotic fluid flowing in and out of the nasal fossae.

没有充足的空间让婴儿转身和移动了,羊水也少了。There isn’t much room left to turn and move, and there is less amniotic fluid.

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用血管钳加手指钝性分离胎盘直至羊膜腔,破膜迅速娩出胎儿。The amniotic membrane was ruptured immediately and the fetus was delivered rapidly.

胎儿本身也会发出很多声音,因为她一直在羊水里踢脚扭动。The fetus also makes her own noises as she kicks and swishes in the amniotic fluid.

羊水和尿囊液的pH具有一定的互补性。The PH value of amniotic and allantoic fluid supplemented each other to some degree.

目的总结羊膜在结膜囊成形术中的应用及临床疗效。Objective To observe the application of amniotic membrane in conjunctival sac plasty.

在成长的过程中,胎儿要学会吞咽,所以有时候胎儿也会喝点羊水进去。While it grows, the baby practices swallowing. It takes a sip of amniotic fluid sometimes.

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这周,子宫里起缓冲作用的羊水达到了它最高的水平。The amniotic fluid cushioning the baby in your uterus has reached its highest level this week.

也许我们真正在谈论的是羊水,也就是包围着胎儿的那些液体。Perhaps we are really talking about amniotic fluid, which surrounds the foetus in the birth sac.

通常,大自然会自动补充并让子宫保持充足的羊水。Usually, nature keeps the uterus well stocked with a self-replenishing supply of amniotic fluid.