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层理类型主要为块状层理、板状交错层理。Clumpy bedding and tabular cross-bedding are the main types.

尾巴短,或末端僵硬都属于严重缺陷。Tails too short, or with clumpy ends due to ankylosis, are serious faults.

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优质土壤质地松软,团粒结构好,孔隙发育,微生物和土壤生物丰富。Quality soil is loose, clumpy , filled with air pockets and teeming with life.

呵呵,那次一下买了6000多块的书,最后只能托运回来。Ah, that bought 6000 clumpy books, can hold carry back in the palm only finally.

或者是有水合物生成,让打开一会儿的饮料混合有凝块。Or there's hydrate formation, which can make drink mixes clumpy if they're open for a while.

作为分布最广的云彩之一,层积云通常形成于大气低层,云层底部呈块状。The most widespread of all cloud types, it typically forms in a low layer with a clumpy base.

右侧的星系则形成了一个破碎的环状,其中有剧烈的恒星生成过程,拼成了“0”。The right-hand galaxy, representing the '0', forms a ring of clumpy but intense star formation.

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断口形貌由条状及块状的韧窝逐渐向细小化发展。The morphology of the fracture gradually is changed from strip and clumpy cavity to tiny cavity.

酪蛋白从牛奶中析出,凝集成网状团块,而牛奶中的脂肪球也被这个网状结构捕获。They begin to literally fall out of the milk, forming a clumpy net in which fat globules are trapped.

因为不景气,豪瑞所曾接受客户诉后付费或胜诉后付费的要求,这使得收入变得零碎而不可预测。Howrey had begun acceding to clients' demands for flat, deferred or contingent fees, causing income to become clumpy and unpredictable.

生活中,你可能发现盐有时会结块。如果室内很潮湿的话,在盐瓶上甚至会产生液滴。You probably noticed that sometimes the salt gets clumpy. If it's really humid outside–there may even be condensation on top of the salt shaker.

一段时间以来,科学家们推测围绕土星运行的微小卫星与结块和麻花状环有关。For some time, scientists have suspected the presence of tiny moonlets that orbit Saturn in association with the clumpy and braided-looking ring.

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一些团块结构超过了琼斯质量并且重心变得不稳定,可能会在被分颗成单一或多星的系统。Some clumpy structures will exceed their Jeans mass and become gravitationally unstable, and may again fragment to form a single or multiple star system.

史特罗德尔看着尤突芮恩杜贝蒂亚弯身在不锈钢大槽旁工作。尤突芮恩杜贝蒂亚准备沥掉正在分离的牛奶液态乳清,留下一块厚郁、成块状的凝乳。Strodel watches as Yturriondobeitia, working over a stainless steel vat, prepares to drain off the separating milk's liquid whey, leaving a rich, clumpy curd.

这样的解释与演算的结果也是一致的,宇宙除了由为数众多被观测到的质子和中子组成之外,还有更多有待观测的树丛。This explanation is also consistent with calculations that show that a universe made mostly of protons and neutrons would be far more clumpy than is observed.

多数飞行任务中都有1、2位宇航员进行太空行走,双手戴着巨大的手套扛着沉重的仪器修补飞船。On most missions one or two astronauts would walk in space, carrying clumpy instruments in huge gloved hands, to tinker with the craft. Their logs were eloquently mundane

这些湍流的速度压缩气体产生震波,通常会在巨分子云尺度和密度的广大范围内引发丝状和团块的结构。These turbulent velocities compress the gas in shocks, which generate filaments and clumpy structures within the giant molecular cloud over a wide range of sizes and densities.

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云彩制造的雨雪没有落到地面上就会产生幡状云,它相当于大块乌云下垂的痕迹,因此幡状云也被称之为水母尾云。When a cloud starts producing rain or snow, but none of it reaches the ground, the result is a virga. Because trails hang down from a clumpy cloud, virgas are known as jellyfish tails.

在成千上万年间这种积聚圆盘逐渐扩大,物质逐渐冷却凝固,尘埃就会积聚粘合,逐渐形成行星中心部位的岩状物质。Over the course of millions of years, this accretion disk would have become more "clumpy. " As it cooled, the dust would stick together, slowly forming the rocky seeds of planetary cores.