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这个桌子是可转变的,而成烫衣板。This table is convertible into an ironing board.

港币自由兑换。The Hong Kong dollar shall be freely convertible.

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波洛克驾驶的是一辆奥兹莫比尔敞篷车。The car was an Oldsmobile convertible driven by Pollock.

所以才能容易转换,一通百通。So it's all fairly well convertible from one to the other.

看,克拉梅一家在炫耀他们的新敞篷车。Look, the Kramers are showing off in their new convertible.

第二章,揭开可转债融资神秘的理论面纱。The second section, uncover the theory of convertible bonds.

保罗把敞篷车停在雨中,车顶没关就离开了。Paul left his convertible parked in the rain with the roof open.

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而零息回购转债的发行便可以有效地解决这一问题。Zero coupon repurchase convertible bond can resolve the question.

可换股离合器素食主义者,友好,绗缝漆皮。Convertible clutch made of vegan-friendly, quilted patent leather.

他从天津连人带车租来一辆红色敞篷大奔.Jiang hired a driver from Tianjin with a red Mercedes convertible.

敞篷车和四轮驱动车也已经进入设计的最后阶段。A convertible and a 4-wheel drive areals oin the final design stage.

敞篷车和四轮驱动车也已经进入设计的最后阶段。A convertible and a 4-wheel drive are also in the final design stage.

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有一个可兑换沙发和一个单一的转椅,就是这样。There is a convertible sofa and a single swivel chair, and that's it.

阿阿斯顿马丁V8的沃兰特敞篷版还制作。Aston Martin V8 Vantage Volante convertible version was also produced.

中国人民币自诞生以后,一直属于非自由兑换的货币。Since its birth, China's RMB has been a non-freely convertible currency.

SDTH试图现在回购了一些折扣可换股票据吗?Is SDTH trying to buyback some of the convertible notes at a discount now?

它必须可以转型为裸指针,以及可以从裸指针构造。It must be convertible to a raw pointer and constructible from a raw pointer.

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中国人民币自诞生以后,一直属于非自由兑换的货币。RMB has always belonged to the non-freely convertible currency from its birth.

我们的特务抓拍到了在欧洲大陆进行测试的911硬顶版本和可折叠硬顶版本。Our spies have caught both coupe and convertible 911s on test on the Continent.

你们必须拥有一种可兑换货币以应对强有力的国际经济形势。You have to have a convertible currency to have a strong international economy.