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苏富比上周的印象派画作拍卖表现疲软。Sotheby's Impressionist sale had a poor showing last week.

哥斯达黎加的层层水波,颇似印象派绘画。Water ripples resemble an impressionist painting in Costa Rica.

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印象派画家雷诺阿曾言“没有阴影是黑色的。The Impressionist Renoir is quoted as saying “No shadow is black.

这位收藏家收集到大量印象派绘画。The collector has acquired a fine collection of impressionist paintings.

在奥赛博物馆内,你可以看到很多无价的印象派油画。In the Orsay Museum, you can see a lot of priceless Impressionist paintings.

孩子们,在男人一生中发生的每件事都像是印象派画家画中的一个小黑点一样。Kids, every story in a man's life is like a dot in an impressionist painting.

后来这种“印象派化”的表现风格就形成了日本油画的“学院派”。Later, the kind of performance style of "Impressionist" formed "the Academism.

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展览将吸引印象派和后印象派作品的爱好者。It will appeal_to those who love Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings.

印象主义手法是作家内心情感外化的重要手段。Impressionist techniques are the important ways for the author to make his inner feelings out.

九十年代的日本买家仍然活跃在克里斯蒂拍卖行刷新印象派艺术品的成交价。The next year Japanese buyers were still paying record prices for Impressionist art at Christie’s.

尽管由于他喜欢印象派艺术,他很可能是愉快的和认真的。Based on his fondness for Impressionist art, though, he is likely to be agreeable and conscientious.

面临危机凯恩斯同样吃惊,并被迫出卖两幅珍爱的印象派绘画作品。Keynes was equally surprised and forced to put his two favorite Impressionist paintings up for sale.

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内含「印象派」和「后印象派」艺术的惊人珍藏,依年代顺序陈列。These include amazing collections of impressionist and post-impressionist art arranged chronologically.

幽静的古堡和斑斓的葡萄园,以及被晚霞映红的岩石,都是绝妙的印象派作品。Quiet castles, colorful vineyards and rocks rendered by sunglows remind us of impressionist masterpieces.

他曾在法国接受印象派的洗礼,入院沙龙,饮誉巴黎。He ever received the baptism of Impressionist in France admission to Sharon and enjoying reputation in Paris.

印象派画家经常画相同的场景,有时同时,与他们并肩画架。Impressionist painters often painted the same scenes, at times simultaneously, with their easels side by side.

那位成功得到拍品的神秘买家电话委托给苏富比的印象派艺术和现代艺术部的资深专家菲利浦·霍克进行竞拍。The mystery buyer bid by phone to Philip Hook, an expert at Sotheby’s Impressionist and modern art department.

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印象主义的绘画和象征主义的文学诗歌,从艺术观念上影响了印象主义的音乐。The impressionist painting and simplistic poetry have influenced the impressionistic music in the aspect concept.

德彪西音乐和印象主义绘画的艺术追求、文化内涵及审美意蕴就是一个例证。Debussy music and Impressionist paintings of artistic pursuit, and cultural connotation and Aesthetic is an example.

德彪西是印象派音乐的创始人,对20世纪音乐进程影响深远。Debussy was the initiator of Impressionist Music, whose creations have profound influence on the Music in 20th Century.