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我去收集柴火。I'll go gather firewood.

湿柴冒烟冒得厉害。The wet firewood smokes badly.

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他把那棵树锯成一小块一小块的木柴。He sawed the tree up for firewood.

为了取暖,他们烧别人捐赠的柴火。For warmth, they burn donated firewood.

友谊,是柴薪驱走寒冬。Friendship is firewood in cold weather.

他每天在山上砍柴。He cut firewood in the hills every day.

我看见了一捆劈柴在地板上。I see a bundle of firewood on the floor.

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定居下来,以渔樵为业。Settle down to fish firewood as a career.

森林里有充裕的薪柴可用。There is abundant firewood in the forest.

无柄的斧头不能砍柴…An axe without a handle does not cut firewood.

我已经捆好木柴了。I have already finished bundling the firewood.

下星期用的木柴我们已备足了吗?Have we enough firewood in for the coming week?

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我给自己安排了劈柴的任务。I set myself the task of chopp up the firewood.

因为柴火潮湿,所以点不着。We can't light the fire as the firewood is wet.

那他们为什么跟我说你去拾木头了?。Why did they tell me you were getting firewood?

樵夫背着柴火下山了。The woodsman carried the firewood down the hill.

你上山多砍一些柴薪来。Go to the mountain, and bring back more firewood.

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下周用的木柴我们己备足了。We've kept enough firewood in for the coming week.

因为印第安人正疯狂地收集柴火。Because the Indians are gathering firewood like crazy!

我看见那男人身后拖着一捆柴。I saw the man dragging a bundle of firewood after him.