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地球撞击数据库,山羊围场,2010年3月12日访问。Earth Impact Database. Goat Paddock.

他把马养在屋后的小围场里。He keeps horses in a paddock behind his house.

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黎明和黄昏时,兔子在围场里跳跃。Rabbits cavort in the paddock at dawn and dusk.

他们要成为围场内最强大的组合!They make the most formidable combination in the paddock.

建于1938年的最高机密地下堡垒代号“围场”。Built in 1938, the top-secret bunker was codenamed Paddock.

那户人家把马养在屋前的小围场里。The family kept horses in the paddock in front of the house.

接着我去了金门公园,去了野牛帕多克。Then, I went out to Golden Gate Park and I went to the Bison Paddock.

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在围场里面看到老朋友哈基宁和他的儿子真开心。It was nice to see my old friend Mika in the paddock with his little son.

贝玛圭草场上,一头孤独奶牛的视线穿过一棵被烧坏的树干。A lone cow peers through a burned-out tree on a grassy paddock in Bermagui.

与碗状和上升状陨石坑都不相同的是,山羊围场陨石坑的表面是平坦的。Neither bowl-shaped nor uplifted, the surface of Goat Paddock Crater is flat.

美国,康乃狄克州东赫德姆牧场,一匹叫雷农的阿拉伯纯种马在独步。The Arabian horse named Rhiannon goes on in the paddock East Heddem, Connecticut.

第二天早晨我的仆人帕多克来了,我把迪格比上尉介绍给他。The next morning when my servant Paddock arrived, I introduced him to Captain Digby.

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实验对羊舍和运动场的热湿环境参数进行了测试分析。Thermal and humidity parameters of the housing and paddock were measured and analyzed.

这个被新围栏组成的生态牧场俨然成为了动物园里驴和羊驼等动物们的新家。The grassy paddock with its new fence is home to the zoo's donkey and alpaca population.

Towser闭上眼睛,把头向后一仰,敲在了这粗糙的木门上。Towser closed his eyes and bumped his head back against the rough wood of the paddock door.

山羊围场陨石坑的地面覆盖着自更新世以来的沉积物。The floor of Goat Paddock Crater is covered by sediments deposited since the Pleistocene Epoch.

就在今天晚上,一百个杀气腾腾的獾,提着来复枪,要从马场那边进攻蟾宫。A hundred bloodthirsty badgers , armed with rifles, are going to attack Toad Hall this very night, by way of the paddock.

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位于菲尼克斯山脉保护区附近,拥有极佳的山景和一个1.8英亩的牧场。Located near the Phoenix Mountains Preserve, it boasts mountain views and includes a horse paddock on the 1.8-acre property.

威廉和凯特在切尔腾汉姆赛马节的开幕式上。Switching sports, William and Kate are seen in the paddock enclosure on the first day of the Cheltenham Race Festival in 2007.

太阳消失在巴塞罗那看台,但很明显老'车队指令'的争论已经返回了F1围场。As the sun faded behind the Barcelona grandstands , it was clear the old 'team orders' controversy had returned to the F1 paddock.