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他选择了海报。He chooses the poster.

那幅照片是一张电影海报。The photo is a movie poster.

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他们在贴广告。They are putting up a poster.

他在墙上钉好海报。He packed the poster on the wall.

设计新颖的海报廊。A poster gallery in a novel style.

普瑞娜想交换她的摇滚明星海报。Prunella traded her rock star poster.

那张广告画已被撕得粉碎。The poster had been ripped to pieces.

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什么样的电影海报有收藏价值?What makes a movie poster collectable?

“要了解你的洋葱,”其中一张海报上的宣传语这样写道。"Know Your Onions, " touts one poster.

1959年每日邮报理想家园展览的海报Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition Poster

门外有人拨弄一个木牌,通知。Someone fiddled with a plate, a poster.

这张海报有着非常花俏的图框。The poster has a very elaborate border.

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为体育活动日写篇自己的海报。Write your own poster for a sports day.

这张有印成海报。This one was chosen to be printed poster.

哪些因素会影响电影海报的价值?What affects the price of a movie poster?

然后将图画粘在一张布告板,或者薄一点的硬纸板上。Glue it to poster board or thin cardboard.

冬暖的黑胶碟的海报是什麽样?My poster is in green colour not in black.

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他在ARVO的一场演讲中发表研究报告。He presented the study in a poster at ARVO.

灾难主题海报设计应急而生。The theme poster design of disaster appear.

我永远也不会取下我雪洛儿-提格丝的海报。I'll never take down my Cheryl Tiegs poster.