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母鸡正在孵小鸡。The hen is hatching chickens.

小鸡正从蛋壳里孵出来。Chicks are hatching from the eggs.

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卵孵化率代数间有差异。Its hatching rate varies with generations.

我猜斯拉维克现在一定在一边舔伤口一边策划新行动。I know Slavik is licking his wounds and hatching new plans.

这种温度梯度可能对成功孵化至关重要。This temperature gradient may be vital to successful hatching.

在耀眼的街灯下我看得出迪尔又在打鬼主意。In the glare from the street-light, I could see Dill hatching one.

鸭妈妈在河边孵蛋,突然,一颗蛋破了,出来一只可爱的小鸭。The mother duck was hatching by the river. Suddenly an egg was broken.

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孵出一条真龙可能比攒一枚金的还要容易些。Hatching a real dragon than saving up enough coin to make a golden one.

孵化后仍留巢的在孵化后留在巢内直到会飞为止的。Remaining in the nest after hatching until able to fly. Used of a bird.

我在皮克斯公司停留了一下,是为了看一看他们到底在孵育什么样的人工生命。I stopped by Pixar to see what kind of artificial life they were hatching.

当你获得一种新的宠物蛋且孵化它后,你就可以记录它的信息了。You will do this by getting a variety of different eggs and hatching them.

研究了散卵层厚度与电晕人工孵化效果的关系。The relationship between egg layer thickness and corona hatching was studied.

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这样的雏鸡自出雏之日起,就受到被水平感染的威胁。These chicks are at great risk from horizontal infection from hatching onwards.

用1∶1的沙与土混合作为孵化基质孵化率最高。Hatching rate was the tallest when hatching medium made of 1∶1 sand mix with soil.

人畜感染率调查分别采用大粪量尼龙绢集卵孵化法和塑料顶管法。Miracidia hatching methods were used to examine the prevalence in human and cattle.

我总是在别的鸟巢里下蛋,让它们替我孵。Instead I have laid eggs in others’ nests and let other birds to do the hatching job.

目的观察丝光绿蝇室内种群的孵化特征。Objective To study the hatching process of the reared population of Lucilia sericata.

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本文强调了孵化知识在知识交流中的工具性作用。This paper emphasizes Hatching Knowledge's function as tools in the knowledge interflow.

孵化的幼虫停息在卵块上3-4天后爬到枝梢取食橄榄新叶。After 3-4 days staying on egg mass, the hatching larvae move to shoots and eat new leaves.

不同的配比模式之间产卵量和孵化率也存在显著差异。It also has difference between the hatching rate and the amount of eggs in different match.