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同时它也是女性与浪漫的象征。It is also feminine and romantic.

齿痕,下摆是浓情蜜意女性化。Scalloped hem is sweetly feminine.

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卫生巾,纸巾以及女性喷雾剂Douches, Wipes, and Feminine Sprays

但我认为女人应该有女人味。But I believe women should be feminine.

但是内心我去感觉的更女性化——现在依然是。But inside I felt feminine – and I still do.

但是这个字作为名字的话,是很女性化的。But that word, as a name, is quite feminine.

这是一张透着精明的面孔,但是线条柔和,女人味十足。This is a smart, yet soft and feminine look.

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它同时汇聚了柔美、孩子气和慈母般的滋味。It is at once childish, feminine and motherly.

面容阴柔的男性往往是两性关系配偶的更佳选择。More feminine men tend to be better providers.

看她的柔美的外形和迷人的眼睛!Look at her feminine form and captivating eyes!

因为她饰演了一个无力抗争的女性形象。Because she played a feminine image of weakness.

时尚女性家庭办公室工作区顶视图。Fashion feminine home office workspace top view.

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您亦可搭配同款戒指,打造妩媚动人的时尚风格。Add the matching ring for a trendy, feminine look.

玛德琳认为那笔迹出自女人之手。Madeleine thought the handwriting looked feminine.

淡山茱萸粉添加了女性能量。Pale Dogwood increases feminine energy in the air.

猛烈的口臭是重要的女性特徵。Strong halitosis be but one of my feminine traits.

这个房子是按照女性的风格装饰的。The house was decorated in a very feminine manner.

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女人需要一个会告诉她,她很女人也很性感的爱人。A woman needs you to feel she is feminine and sexy.

他是一个有着女性的直觉的优秀的老板。He's an excellent boss with a feminine intuition.

女孩儿们更是受够了那些阴柔的娘娘腔。Girls get fed up with the feminine nature of the men.