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他是一个直率的人。He is a man of plainness.

少许点缀,就打破平淡。A little ornament can break the plainness.

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这小屋子里有一种高雅的朴素。There was an elegant plainness in this small house.

坚定的信心,能使平凡的人们做出心人的事业。Strong resolution makes a great cause out of plainness.

这个房间的风格表明了他对美与质朴的憧憬。The room's style exemplifies his ideal of beauty and plainness.

这些房子很难看,使许多潜在的买主望而却步。The plainness of these houses discourages many prospective buyers.

尽管生活很平淡,她的幽默感还是没变。She preserves her sense of humor from the plainness of life itself.

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我们既有这样的盼望,就大胆讲说Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech

我要永远保持农家子弟的风范,勤劳、质朴、厚道、真诚真心对人,无怨无悔。I am determined to keep the good styles and personalities of a farmer, such as diligence, plainness and sincerity.

“道”应该是经由禅修、打坐、默想、以及过着朴素无华的简单生活等情况下,由自性中自然升起而成的。It should emerge naturally from self-nature via practice of Zen, meditation, sitting and life of simplicity and plainness.

“道”应该是经由禅修、打坐、默想、以及过著朴素无华的简单生活等情况下,由自性中自然升起而成的。It should emerge naturally from self-nature via practice of Zen, meditation, sitting and life of simplicity and plainness.

结果表明,在平坦小区域采用各种算法均能够达到子像元精度。Experiments results show that these algorithms can reach sub-pixel accuracy for the images of the plainness and small areas.

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“是的,先生。”这是我的习惯——向来的习惯,完全是直觉—一简问简答,直问直说。I am, sir. It is my way -- it always was my way, by instinct -- ever to meet the brief with brevity, the direct with plainness.

拒绝任何多余装饰和对经典审美的颠覆,使怀有简约情感的人们体会到一种迷恋。Refusing any surplus decoration classic beauty appreciation may make people with plainness emotion realize a kind of addiction.

本分而简单,就像未及书写的白纸,有一种难以言语的质朴。But the duty is simple, does not look like and the written white paper, has one kind of with difficulty spoken language plainness.

简单的生命是一种单纯,在其中,利益被抛开,机智被舍弃,自私被丢除,欲望被减少。A simple life is one of plainness , in which profit is discarded, cleverness abandoned, selfishness eliminated, and desires reduced.

平易恬淡是气候、是湿度、是温度、是土壤,在适当的气温及湿度、季节与土壤中种子才会发芽,然后逐渐长大。Plainness and indifference are climate, humidity, temperature and soil in which seeds can germinate and grow in suitable conditions.

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飞行导航、大比例尺地图更新需采用平坦小区域中高分辨率线阵推扫式卫星遥感影像。Navigation and computer-aid cartography need linear array push-broom middle or high resolution images on the plainness and small areas.

省略与跳脱、比喻与双关、重复与照应、雅致与平易体现了丰富的语言技巧。Rich language skills are employed, such as omission and leaping out, metaphor and pun, repetition and reference, elegancy and plainness.

由于电视民生新闻的拟剧化和表演性,就出现了媒体逼视、节目的平庸化以及真实性危机等等各种问题。Because of the dramatization and performativity of TV civil news, the problems of media imposition, plainness and truth crisis come into being.