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鬼箭锦鸡儿花粉形态也有一定的种内差异。The similar intraspecific variations were observed in C. jubata also.

竞争是植物种内和种间关系的主要形式之一。Intraspecific and interspecific competitions are important relationships of plants.

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指在同种个体间进行的自然选择。Intraspecific selection Natural selection acting on individuals of the same species.

植物种间、种内都存在UVB敏感性差异。There were interspecific and intraspecific variation in sensitivity to UVB radiation.

本文最后讨论了宽叶韭种内居群间核型分化的原因。Factors of intraspecific differentiation among the populations of Allium hookeri Thwaites were discussed.

Forbes说,它之前没有在种内含拟态的生物体中测试过,这一点让他很惊讶。Forbes said he was surprised that it hadn't been tested before on an organism with intraspecific mimicry.

本文还探讨了研究花粉形态在种内变异的意义和必要性。In addition, the significances of intraspecific variations of pollen morphology were discussed in the paper.

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还有密度制约的生物因素,诸如病害、捕食和种内竞争等。There are as well as density-dependent biological factors such as disease, predation, and intraspecific competition.

种内竞争强烈,对空间有较强的占据能力。There was high degree of individual spatial relatedness, sharp intraspecific competition and powerfully occupy space.

这二位作者得出结论说,这些种内的差别能比喜钙植物和喜酸植物之间的差别大。The two authors concluded that these intraspecific differences can be greater than those among the calciphytes and oxylophytes.

因此,利用细胞质基因组PCR-RFLP标记不仅可检测到仲彬草属种间多态性,也可检测到种内多态性。Plasmon PCR-RFLP technology can therefore be used to detect both interspecific and intraspecific genetic variations in Kengyilia.

除白珠母贝和黑珠母贝之间的遗传距离较小外,其余种类之间的遗传距离远远大于种内遗传距离。The interspecific genetic distances are much greater than the intraspecific distances except that between P. albina and P. nigra.

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结果表明,黄果厚壳桂所受到的竞争强度随着林木径级的增大而逐渐减小。The results showed that the intraspecific competition intensity in C. concinna decreased gradually with increasing tree diameter.

国内外的研究一致表明陆地棉品种间遗传多态性水准低,改进其遗传多样性是今后棉花遗传育种研究的重要内容。Low intraspecific genetic diversity was found in Gossypium hirsutum L. across countries and should be paid much more attention to.

种间种内竞争的结果形成南方红豆杉种群世代不同大小个体的高度结构。The results of intraspecific and interspecific competition formed the different individual height of Taxus chinensis var. mairei population.

所有数据的成对序列分歧值指出两表型间的遗传分歧都处于种内的范围。Pairwise sequence divergences of all data sets indicated that the genetic divergences between the two phenotypes fall within intraspecific range.

在温室内不同密度条件下,研究了桃蚜和萝卜蚜在甘蓝上的种内密度效应和种间竞争作用。The intraspecific and interspecific relationship of Myzus persicae and Lipaphis erysimi on cabbage were studied under the conditions of greenhouse.

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因此进行试验探讨对绿豆象及四纹豆象雌虫于同种或不同种雄虫干扰下,其产卵数、卵孵化率及寿命的影响。In this study, the effects of intraspecific and interspecific male interference on the fecundity and longevity of female bean weevils were explored.

而酯酶同工酶在幼虫阶段与成虫阶段及工蜂、雄蜂和蜂王之间则有着不同的同工酶谱型。There existed obvious differences of EST isoenzyme between larva phase and adult phase and different isoenzyme zymogram in each intraspecific clade.

种子酯酶同工酶电泳技术是检验蒙古黄芪种内变异的一种有效手段。The esterase isozyme electrophoresis used in this paper was an effective method for detecting intraspecific variation of A. membranaceus var. mongholicus.