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这含有什么意思?What does this import?

他是一个进口保理商。He is an import factor.

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精修进口车。Import Car Specialists.

这是一条重要的语句。It is an import statement.

您仅导入了两个模块。You import only two modules.

作为片段来导入子单元Import of subunits as fragments

接下来,检查导入摘要。Next, check the import summary.

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你会不会从地球进口任何食料呢?Do you import any food from Earth?

他那篇演说的涵意是什麽?What was the import of his speech?

这一小宗日本进口货还真不赖。Not bad for a small Japanese import.

火器进口是被禁止的。The import of firearms is forbidden.

将您的新接口添加到该导入。Add your new interface to the import.

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金属原材料全从美国、日本进口。All the metal material import from U.

ESRI和MIF文件导入的支持ESRI and MIF file import is supported.

你能帮我们算一下进口税吗?Can you help calculate our import duty?

我想在进口部工作。I'd like to work in the import section.

Matz计划引入gem到Ruby1.9中。Matz plans to import gem into Ruby 1.9.

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导入数据并创建一个文集文件。Import the data and create a corpus file

不像是支付任何的进口税。It's not like it costs any import taxes.

工业产品的进出口业务。Import and export of industrial products.