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梦见你睡在阳光照耀的草地上Dream that sleep is a sunlit meadow

在阳光普照的寂静高天。High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there

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初下的雨水和来自天庭的阳光何等甜美。Sweet the rains' new fall sunlit from heaven.

这一块阳光照射的基石离洞底足足三层楼高。The sunlit pedestal drops three more stories to the cave floor.

我们共同一砖一瓦地铺设一条通往公平正义的路。We pave the sunlit path toward justice together, brick by brick.

她坐着一语不发,整个世界像阳光灿烂的峡谷横在他们脚下。She sat silent, and the world lay like a sunlit valley at their feet.

影片中不时地响起管风琴的声音,一些身着盛装的人出现在洒满阳关的草坪上,他们身后拖着影子,而他们身后三角形的树却没有影子。Some well-dressed people stand in a sunlit garden. They cast shadows.

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白天,树木被日观照的熠熠生辉,成为室内景观的一部分。At the daytime, the trees are sunlit and become a visual part of the interior.

新月形的月亮正在落入水星左侧的彩色晨曦之中。The Moon's sunlit crescent is sinking into the colorful twilight glow just left of Mercury.

在亚速尔群岛附近,大西洋表面太阳照射不到的地方,抹香鲸垂直着身体休息。Near the Azores, just below the sunlit Atlantic surface, sperm whales float in vertical repose.

阳光下的瀑布水花洒落进小船,虫鸣声不绝于耳。Sunlit waterfall spray tumbles into our boat and a chorus of various insects rings in our ears.

在影像中央,黑压压的云层上方,有一道由日光照亮、开口向上的不规则弧。Its slight, irregular, sunlit arc opens upward just above the dark cloud bank near picture center.

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一念之转,两岸似已出现柳暗花明的新形势。In the blink of an eye, the two sides have apparently emerged from a dark tunnel onto a sunlit plain.

这只蜻蜓拍打翅膀并飞了起来,在阳光明媚的天空下回旋飞翔。The dragonfly flapped its wings and took off in flight, doing loops and spins through the sunlit sky.

在清新明丽的早晨,年轻的教师一早来到新办公室,心中充满了愉快的感想。The young teacher came to his new office in the fresh sunlit morning and was filled with happy thought.

模拟阳光的灯光必须要做到位置高、质地硬、亮度大,光线还要以约45度的角度向下照射。To get this sunlit look, your lights must be high, hard, bright and aimed down at approximately 45 degrees.

她用力地拍打一块印有深色花纹的丝绒窗帘,在阳光的照射下,一团浮尘徐徐上升。She whacked the dark floral pattern on the velour curtain, and a lazy haze of dust spun in the sunlit window.

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三个船只失事的人,两男一女,站在一小块儿阳光照耀的陆地上,面朝南望着茫茫大洋。Three castaways, a woman and two men, stand on a bit of glorious sunlit land facing the broad southern ocean.

现在是从种族隔离的荒凉阴暗的深谷攀登种族平等的光明大道的时候。Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice.

这种植物喜欢生长在潮湿和阳光充足处,潮湿的河岸林地,在那里攀爬树木和其他植物。This plant grows at the sunlit margins of moist, humid riparian woodlands, where it climbs trees and other plants.