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谨防假冒的在线抽奖和有奖活动Beware of Fake Online Sweepstakes and Contests

就这点儿论,你得遵守你家乡所在的州有关抽奖的法律。As such, you are subject to the laws of your home state regarding sweepstakes.

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就这点儿论,你得遵守你家乡所在的州有关抽奖的法律。As such, you are subject to the laws of your home state regarding sweepstakes.

在意料之中,他们浏览彩票的时间远多于察看其他内容。Not surprisingly, they look at sweepstakes far more than any other kind of content.

独得电子图书赌金的赢家将是做图书出租生意的书商。The winner of the ebook sweepstakes will be the booksellerwho becomes a bookrenter.

1964年,新罕布什尔州的抽彩券作为现代意义上的第一支国有彩票开始发行。The New Hampshire Sweepstakes is launched as the first state lottery of modern times.

人们最乐此不疲的一项节日活动类似于摸彩。Most people never get tired of delivering a festival similar to the activities of the sweepstakes.

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一位在线赌金的独得赞助者,每日分送达到一千万美元的数量奖赏。PNI, a sponsor of online sweepstakes , gives away awards of amounts up to ten million US dollars daily.

抽奖小奖品可太棒了,因为你通常具有更现实的机会取胜。Sweepstakes with smaller prizes can be great because you generally have a more realistic chance of winning.

运气似乎对所有克林顿去过的餐厅来说起了举足轻重的作用。Good fortune, it seems, plays a surprisingly large role in the Bill Clinton international restaurant sweepstakes.

运气似乎对所有克林顿去过的餐厅来说起了举足轻重的作用。Good fortune, it seems, plays a surprisingly large role in the Bill Clinton international restaurant sweepstakes.Mr.

当科比在休赛期放话说要求交易的时候,关于科比去向的猜测大战开始了,至少在媒体方面与日俱增。When Kobe Bryant went public with his offseason trade request, the "Kobe sweepstakes " began, at least in the media.

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2007年,在欧亚大陆的能源角逐中,俄罗斯取得的领先优势使它在未来的竞争中争得了主动权。What places Russia in an early lead in the upcoming scramble is its fantastic win in the Eurasian energy sweepstakes in 2007.

精明的商家认识到,自动进入抽奖有助于提案因为它有助于参赛者-一个真正的双赢局面大家!Savvy marketers realize that automatic entry helps the sweepstakes sponsors as much as it helps the entrants – a true win-win situation for everyone!

新晋加入分得童话题材一杯羹的是格林,一部依稀骇人的NBC新剧,它让超自然生物在今天的俄勒冈州获生成真。The latest entry in the fairy-tale sweepstakes is Grimm, a vaguely creepy new NBC series that brings supernatural creatures to life in modern-day Oregon.

与巴菲特进餐的收费甚至会超过盖茨,我相信原因并不在于巴菲特朴实的传奇魅力,而是他公认的、让人发家致富的能力。The reason I believe Mr. Buffett might even top Mr. Gates in the dinner sweepstakes isn't his legendary down-home charm but his proven ability to make people rich.

和其他只需要注册名字的网络竞赛不同,这个竞赛涉时数周的网络和网下活动,还需用到手机短信。Unlike sweepstakes where users do little more than sign up, the contest entails weeks of participation on the Internet, offline and using cellphones to send text messages.

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新一年里,我们要撇清关于交易卡梅罗安东尼的传言,全神贯注于如何将主教练汤姆锡伯杜的防守准则一一运用到场上。We swear off any more rumor and innuendo about staying alive in the Carmelo Anthony sweepstakes and just concentrate on getting Tom Thibodeau's defensive principles down pat.

记住,每次你填写参赛表、抽奖表或者完成一项调查表的时候你的个人信息就会被收集存储于某处陌生人的计算机服务器上。Remember, every time that you fill-out a contest or sweepstakes entry form or complete a survey your personal information is being collected and stored in some stranger’s computer server somewhere.

赚够KAYAK美元,你就有机会获得彩票抽奖的机会,赢取神奇的小马,在线上多人游戏中与你的朋友对抗。Earn enough KAYAK Dollars and you could get the chance to win an entry in a sweepstakes for the possibility of the idea of a prize of a magical pony. Compete with friends in online multiplayer mode!